The sun, fish, eye, penny
View pictures fish eye disc sun ..... Hallelujah Creator
View pictures fish eye disc sun ..... Hallelujah Creator
Very rare fish
Ocean sunfish , Mola mola , or common mola , is the heavy weight fish , live in temperate and tropical waters around the world. Shape resembles a fish head with a tail , and her body flat horizontally , increases in length when extended dorsal fins and ventral .
These fish feed on jellyfish in the main, this fish is considered the most fertile among all vertebrates as bleaching can be more than 300 million eggs. Considered vulnerable to predators , such as the Black Sea and Alaurkas and sharks .
The meal appetite in some parts of the world such as Japan , Korea and Tewan . And are also prone to injury or death of waste floating in the sea Kalakias plastic and others.

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