({And after that He spread the earth (30) out from its water and pasture}) documentation Scientific wonderful

He says
(And after that He spread the earth (30) out from its water and pasture (31))) [Pluckers,
As is clear that the verse talks about the genesis of the earth ..
We start with
Scientific part of the documentary series {Assets: How did the
The film is a provider of scientific and agnostic world famous astrophysicist Neil Tyson Neil deGrasse Tyson, who put it when asked, "What are the books that should be read by every intelligent person on the planet?"
Said ((Bible: to learn it's easier for you to dictate what you are thinking and what you think by others instead of thinking for yourself.)) Words sound even though it resulted in a great tragedy among Western scholars and intellectuals, clerics and emperors
The film speaks for the whole series or the emergence of the Earth from a purely material and this is the first part of the series
34:34 minutes, talking about the genesis of the water on the ground which is the last part of the film ..
Liquid water is the key to life - each object needs to stay alive - 70% of the Earth's surface submerged .. almost three-quarters of the surface;, in fact, contain all the Earth's oceans for 100 million trillion gallons of water, it is almost unimaginable amount!
Lake ( Carrera Generale \ General Carrera) in ( Patagonia \ Patagonia) in Chile .
Where did all this? - How It's over land .. and by the massive amounts of this article ?
Well despite the strangeness it may have been this vast oceans present actually from the beginning , but hidden from sight - one of the keys of this puzzle is the volcanoes, which was blown during the emergence of the land amounts powerful than steam into the atmosphere - then when cooled the earth intensify this steam in the form of rain - point after point accumulated water in these lowland - do not be surprised the land in this matter until today .. the most important gases emitted from the volcanoes of Hawaii is in the form of water vapor

Satellite image of the island of Hawaii
But some scientists interpreted by that process Setsegriq long to consist of all these vast oceans across the volcanic jets .. Alternatively probably got some help on the ground, scientists believed that the ocean water may be sources of giant icy comets brought water to Earth

Halley's Comet
Divided opinions of scientists in identifying the source of the water that presence on the surface of the earth, at the time, who is believed some astrophysicists that the source of water is a meteor that had come from the parties to the solar system's remote and carrying huge amounts of ice, others went the other of them to say that the source of water is a comet consisting mainly of 80% of the ice and the sloping of the Kuiper Belt

I believe the Oort cloud , which hit the Earth millions of years ago . Differed astrophysicists in the nature and source of celestial objects that carried water frozen to the ground , but they agree that these objects (whether shahba or comets ) has plunged in the layer the Earth's crust due to the phenomenon of impact phenomenal with the surface of the ground editor thus amounts of ice that were incurred , Once liberated by heat turned up very high into steam , then play the atmosphere play an important role in maintaining the steam and prevent leakage into outer space .
But found no evidence to prove this theory, the scientists say it is impossible today because those collisions old and the original surface of the Earth may ruin a long time but the guide is the moon's surface every spot on the back tells the story of the collision suffused with comets and meteors .. and heat collision comet land was enough evaporating snow found the comet to produce a storm pulling across vast areas of the planet - these clouds produced the midst of rain and possibly hot acidic precipitation that continued for millions of years and eventually covered the water most of the hemisphere
But there is a problem with this theory -
Earth's oceans contain a mixture of plain water H2o - and very small amounts of a peculiar kind of water known as heavy water , which by the neutron plus known HDO - in comets analyzed so far the ratio between the two types of water does not correspond with the increase in water ocean .. comets by twice the amount of heavy water HDO , which we see in the ocean , even if that comets are filled Earth's oceans, they are incapable of this phenomenon - in short not by descent exact - but few actually still hard to imagine scientists to be comets have a role absent in the presence of a proportion of the water on Earth and some scientists think that maybe there are these comets but outside our solar system - but the most likely and logical to look for water close to the bumper while our house is caught in volcanoes and collisions ..

Remained a little less from the effects of the emergence of the beginning of the earth .. but this is the little that remained revealed to us about the planet more complicated than thought
Gannets attacking swarm of sardines
New discoveries in this area have paid scientists to say that there is no one explanation for the existence of water on the Earth's surface , which means that meteors and comets already had a role in the presence of water Ssalh
But the astrophysicists calculates the percentage of material deuterium to the substance of hydrogen present in the comet Haljohma using satellite Giotto , then they calculated the proportion of material deuterium to the substance of hydrogen present in the ocean , was estimated proportion is 0.00003 on Halley's Comet vs. .0000015 in the oceans , Fastntjoa that the water which was the source of comets ( or meteors ) constitute only 10% of the total ground water ,

Georgia water basin , the largest Aquarium and the Museum of aqueous in the world
Astrophysicists have concluded based on these findings that the source of the water may be Mzdug role of comets or meteors was part considering it 10 % of the water the rest of the Earth's water as mentioned film scientific source is the phenomenon of evaporation of water , which was fully booked within the pockets of the geosphere , which was formed during the emergence of Earth with the phenomenon of accumulation of atoms cosmic dust , which was covered with molecules minutes of water , energy is generated and surging out of the ground caused the creation of volcanic activities enormous pushed in turn, the amount of water reserved in the pockets of the earth's crust to come in the form of steam , to keep it locked in the atmosphere , and this is what he said geologists at the source of Earth's water . Vicu astrophysicists this discovery may have agreed with geological scientists in second source of water in favor of the theory that the duplication source water.
Having different scientific theses in an external water source Aho (via comets or meteors ) or internal (via the pockets of the earth's crust ) , it seemed Seen together depending on exporters ,
After the atmosphere filled with water , which came out of the ground and found the scientists began to rain Tovannih violent stretched for millions of years and has become a scientific fact agreed upon by scientists , especially geologists
To be settled on the surface of the ground water in its liquid as we see it today.
Valboukhar who hiked from the pockets of the earth's crust because of the massive volcanic activity or output of the melting ice is separated from comets, has bolted to the top of the atmosphere, then the accumulation after the low temperature of the earth gradually, was formed so thick clouds and very thick covered all the globe,
Once the available temperature appropriate and necessary for the occurrence of the phenomenon of the rain even started torrential rains heavy and violent descent , where the flooded surface of the earth and had a duration of millions of years , and this period of time long was necessary and sufficient to submerge and fill drilling abysmal that exist in the oceans, which reaches a depth of some of the more than 10,000 meters ,
And finally
Invites the subject of National Geographic National Geographic imagine us this offer scientific ..
? Origin of Water on Our Planet-Where Did it Come From
Dump the clip from the movie duration of 3 minutes
Three -quarters of the Earth is covered with water and this is called the planet Blue - when creating the planet since 4 billion a year and a half there was no place for the water at all - but the ingredients needed to create the water was present to stay long in the depths of the earth and when volcanic eruptions first was among the gases rising ( steam water) , and when the earth was cool turning water vapor into the clouds - and has been raining for thousands of years , and so the first oceans were formed
Astemtau offer
He says : ) { (26) Oontm most created or sky built (27) raise the thick Fssoaha (28) and Ogueth her that night and pulled out overnight (29) and Alerillad that He spread (30) out from its water and pasture (31) ( Pluckers ,
Ibn Kathir says : Dhy then the earth and she brought what was goodbye from the water Vneptt plants of different kinds and qualities ) Tafsir Ibn Kathir 1/102 .
It was not the creation of a time down the Koran nor for many centuries after him familiar with the fact that all the ground water , air and all the earth may narrated by Lord ( glorified and exalted ) from inside the earth , a fact that was not understood by human only in the latter decades of the twentieth century Glory to the home of the Qur'an fourteen centuries ago and described him by saying Quran: ( ( Say , who knows the secret revealed in the heavens and the earth, he was Oft ) ) ( Criterion : 6)
May Allah bless him and bless our Prophet Secretary who receive this divine revelation , bringing the message, and led the Secretariat , advised the nation and labored in the cause of God even came to him with certainty, and described by Lord ( Almighty ) saying Quran: but God is revealed to you revealed knowledge and the angels bear witness, and enough is Allah (women: 166 ) .
A / D - Sabry Demerdash - Professor of Natural Sciences explains creativity and miracles in the verse ( ( ( remove from its water and pasture )))
Believe God Almighty - and ratified the Messenger of Allah (r), even unbelievers
He says
(And after that He spread the earth (30) out from its water and pasture (31))) [Pluckers,
As is clear that the verse talks about the genesis of the earth ..
We start with
Scientific part of the documentary series {Assets: How did the
The film is a provider of scientific and agnostic world famous astrophysicist Neil Tyson Neil deGrasse Tyson, who put it when asked, "What are the books that should be read by every intelligent person on the planet?"
Said ((Bible: to learn it's easier for you to dictate what you are thinking and what you think by others instead of thinking for yourself.)) Words sound even though it resulted in a great tragedy among Western scholars and intellectuals, clerics and emperors
The film speaks for the whole series or the emergence of the Earth from a purely material and this is the first part of the series
34:34 minutes, talking about the genesis of the water on the ground which is the last part of the film ..
Liquid water is the key to life - each object needs to stay alive - 70% of the Earth's surface submerged .. almost three-quarters of the surface;, in fact, contain all the Earth's oceans for 100 million trillion gallons of water, it is almost unimaginable amount!
Lake ( Carrera Generale \ General Carrera) in ( Patagonia \ Patagonia) in Chile .
Where did all this? - How It's over land .. and by the massive amounts of this article ?
Well despite the strangeness it may have been this vast oceans present actually from the beginning , but hidden from sight - one of the keys of this puzzle is the volcanoes, which was blown during the emergence of the land amounts powerful than steam into the atmosphere - then when cooled the earth intensify this steam in the form of rain - point after point accumulated water in these lowland - do not be surprised the land in this matter until today .. the most important gases emitted from the volcanoes of Hawaii is in the form of water vapor
Satellite image of the island of Hawaii
But some scientists interpreted by that process Setsegriq long to consist of all these vast oceans across the volcanic jets .. Alternatively probably got some help on the ground, scientists believed that the ocean water may be sources of giant icy comets brought water to Earth
Halley's Comet
Divided opinions of scientists in identifying the source of the water that presence on the surface of the earth, at the time, who is believed some astrophysicists that the source of water is a meteor that had come from the parties to the solar system's remote and carrying huge amounts of ice, others went the other of them to say that the source of water is a comet consisting mainly of 80% of the ice and the sloping of the Kuiper Belt
I believe the Oort cloud , which hit the Earth millions of years ago . Differed astrophysicists in the nature and source of celestial objects that carried water frozen to the ground , but they agree that these objects (whether shahba or comets ) has plunged in the layer the Earth's crust due to the phenomenon of impact phenomenal with the surface of the ground editor thus amounts of ice that were incurred , Once liberated by heat turned up very high into steam , then play the atmosphere play an important role in maintaining the steam and prevent leakage into outer space .
But found no evidence to prove this theory, the scientists say it is impossible today because those collisions old and the original surface of the Earth may ruin a long time but the guide is the moon's surface every spot on the back tells the story of the collision suffused with comets and meteors .. and heat collision comet land was enough evaporating snow found the comet to produce a storm pulling across vast areas of the planet - these clouds produced the midst of rain and possibly hot acidic precipitation that continued for millions of years and eventually covered the water most of the hemisphere
But there is a problem with this theory -
Earth's oceans contain a mixture of plain water H2o - and very small amounts of a peculiar kind of water known as heavy water , which by the neutron plus known HDO - in comets analyzed so far the ratio between the two types of water does not correspond with the increase in water ocean .. comets by twice the amount of heavy water HDO , which we see in the ocean , even if that comets are filled Earth's oceans, they are incapable of this phenomenon - in short not by descent exact - but few actually still hard to imagine scientists to be comets have a role absent in the presence of a proportion of the water on Earth and some scientists think that maybe there are these comets but outside our solar system - but the most likely and logical to look for water close to the bumper while our house is caught in volcanoes and collisions ..
Remained a little less from the effects of the emergence of the beginning of the earth .. but this is the little that remained revealed to us about the planet more complicated than thought
Gannets attacking swarm of sardines
New discoveries in this area have paid scientists to say that there is no one explanation for the existence of water on the Earth's surface , which means that meteors and comets already had a role in the presence of water Ssalh
But the astrophysicists calculates the percentage of material deuterium to the substance of hydrogen present in the comet Haljohma using satellite Giotto , then they calculated the proportion of material deuterium to the substance of hydrogen present in the ocean , was estimated proportion is 0.00003 on Halley's Comet vs. .0000015 in the oceans , Fastntjoa that the water which was the source of comets ( or meteors ) constitute only 10% of the total ground water ,
Georgia water basin , the largest Aquarium and the Museum of aqueous in the world
Astrophysicists have concluded based on these findings that the source of the water may be Mzdug role of comets or meteors was part considering it 10 % of the water the rest of the Earth's water as mentioned film scientific source is the phenomenon of evaporation of water , which was fully booked within the pockets of the geosphere , which was formed during the emergence of Earth with the phenomenon of accumulation of atoms cosmic dust , which was covered with molecules minutes of water , energy is generated and surging out of the ground caused the creation of volcanic activities enormous pushed in turn, the amount of water reserved in the pockets of the earth's crust to come in the form of steam , to keep it locked in the atmosphere , and this is what he said geologists at the source of Earth's water . Vicu astrophysicists this discovery may have agreed with geological scientists in second source of water in favor of the theory that the duplication source water.
Having different scientific theses in an external water source Aho (via comets or meteors ) or internal (via the pockets of the earth's crust ) , it seemed Seen together depending on exporters ,
After the atmosphere filled with water , which came out of the ground and found the scientists began to rain Tovannih violent stretched for millions of years and has become a scientific fact agreed upon by scientists , especially geologists
To be settled on the surface of the ground water in its liquid as we see it today.
Valboukhar who hiked from the pockets of the earth's crust because of the massive volcanic activity or output of the melting ice is separated from comets, has bolted to the top of the atmosphere, then the accumulation after the low temperature of the earth gradually, was formed so thick clouds and very thick covered all the globe,
Once the available temperature appropriate and necessary for the occurrence of the phenomenon of the rain even started torrential rains heavy and violent descent , where the flooded surface of the earth and had a duration of millions of years , and this period of time long was necessary and sufficient to submerge and fill drilling abysmal that exist in the oceans, which reaches a depth of some of the more than 10,000 meters ,
And finally
Invites the subject of National Geographic National Geographic imagine us this offer scientific ..
? Origin of Water on Our Planet-Where Did it Come From
Dump the clip from the movie duration of 3 minutes
Three -quarters of the Earth is covered with water and this is called the planet Blue - when creating the planet since 4 billion a year and a half there was no place for the water at all - but the ingredients needed to create the water was present to stay long in the depths of the earth and when volcanic eruptions first was among the gases rising ( steam water) , and when the earth was cool turning water vapor into the clouds - and has been raining for thousands of years , and so the first oceans were formed
Astemtau offer
He says : ) { (26) Oontm most created or sky built (27) raise the thick Fssoaha (28) and Ogueth her that night and pulled out overnight (29) and Alerillad that He spread (30) out from its water and pasture (31) ( Pluckers ,
Ibn Kathir says : Dhy then the earth and she brought what was goodbye from the water Vneptt plants of different kinds and qualities ) Tafsir Ibn Kathir 1/102 .
It was not the creation of a time down the Koran nor for many centuries after him familiar with the fact that all the ground water , air and all the earth may narrated by Lord ( glorified and exalted ) from inside the earth , a fact that was not understood by human only in the latter decades of the twentieth century Glory to the home of the Qur'an fourteen centuries ago and described him by saying Quran: ( ( Say , who knows the secret revealed in the heavens and the earth, he was Oft ) ) ( Criterion : 6)
May Allah bless him and bless our Prophet Secretary who receive this divine revelation , bringing the message, and led the Secretariat , advised the nation and labored in the cause of God even came to him with certainty, and described by Lord ( Almighty ) saying Quran: but God is revealed to you revealed knowledge and the angels bear witness, and enough is Allah (women: 166 ) .
A / D - Sabry Demerdash - Professor of Natural Sciences explains creativity and miracles in the verse ( ( ( remove from its water and pasture )))
Believe God Almighty - and ratified the Messenger of Allah (r), even unbelievers
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