الجمعة، 25 أبريل 2014

Our ideal of the Prophet

There is no doubt that the Prophet peace be upon him is the greatest man in the history of mankind , and it is full of creation and creation; How can we not been told where the Lord Almighty : { And you are creating a great } [ Pen : 4 ] , and this is credited to him peace be upon him in this world and in the Hereafter ; has said the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him about himself : « I am the master Adam was born the day of judgment , and the first to bolt his grave , and the first intercessor and the first combined » .
Our ideal of the Prophet
I saw the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and everyone - Muslims and non-Muslims - past and present this certificate , which is that peace be upon him the best of human beings , and praised the qualities and morals peace be upon him .
There is no human being can be placed in comparison with the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him ; former is in all things in piety and courage, generosity and compassion, and tolerance dream .. and all kinds of good manners.
In order to this , Allah Almighty and make it like a role model to the people : { I've had you in the Messenger of Allah a good example for those who had hopes for Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah much } [parties : 21 ] .
It was the generosity peace be upon him « the finest people » . In an example of courage and bravery ; narrated that Ali ibn Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him , said : « what bass attended the day of Badr Atakina the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , and it was the most people what was or was not one of the polytheists closer to him » . At the same time he set an example in the dream ; is « never dream of ignorance , ignorance is not aggravated the severity of it but a dream » . In honesty is honest and trustworthy .
In other ethics describes his companions , God bless them that peace be upon him « the finest people CVA , and Ocherham breaststroke , and believe people tone , Olinhm complaisant , and the most honorable session, he saw intuition Ouhaba , and Khalth know I love him , he says Naath : I've never seen before or after like him » .
Follow the example of the Prophet
Because peace be upon him is Osotna and our ideal is for each order ; , it did not leave a thing of the things in life large or small , but explained our assets properly deal with him ; so perverted our steps for Islamic law , and do not deviate him Wiczl and perish ; say peace be upon him : « what's left something which God has commanded you , but I commanded him , and something which left him Nhakm God forbid , however, has him ...» .
To check the usefulness of Alosop and example were commanded by God Almighty to take what was brought by the Prophet peace be upon him : { And whatsoever the Messenger Fajdhuh and whatsoever he forbids you , abstain and fear Allah, for Allah is severe in punishment } [ Al-Hashr : 7 ] .
He has lived the Prophet peace be upon him after the revelation of twenty-three years , there have been where all the races of the business that could fall of man , society and the state ; including thirteen in Mecca, where disbelief in control of the situation , and the Prophet, peace be upon him calling people secretly and openly, and companions contemptuous their faith , and the Prophet peace be upon him meet diverse varieties of human beings; them lived up his heart to the Word of God , from whom his heart like a stone , and AC and fearful of them and the user researcher for power.
Called the Prophet peace be upon him men, women and children , and faced reactions Quraish of disbelief to derision to interfere with the call , and then open hostility of persecution and abuse him peace be upon him and his companions to torture , God bless them .
In the city, the Prophet peace be upon him building a state different ethnicities and races ; from a busy community conflicts and hypocrites .
Coined the Prophet peace be upon him constitution of the state, and deal with the states and tribes , Russell kings , and fought wars Ptokl to God Almighty, and tight planning and preparation of comprehensive strength .
Treaties Apostle
It was not the Prophet peace be upon him in his life, loves wars or coveted , but was it the last medication ; then was full of life peace be upon him everything possible to prevent war or alleviate their own pace, and it was these things treaties and conventions .
I have a covenant with the Prophet peace be upon him during his all denominations that Muslims can Iehduha future ; has promised, Jews, Christians and polytheists ; even teach us how to be a treaty , and its assets ; such as : how to forge a treaty to preserve the interests of Islam and Muslims , and the compromises that can be made to complete the treaty , and that can not be waived , and the necessity of fulfilling the treaties , and when the treaty could be considered canceled . All this taught us the Prophet peace be upon him in the biography .
And we will find that there are no treaties in the field of political history and present the finest of its treaties peace be upon him, nor a more just and equitable and meet, and even land with covenanters.
From here, we must examine the treaties of the Prophet peace be upon him to prove us a new face of the most poignant faces of the Prophet's biography - all bright - and imitate the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him in all things in our lives as commanded by God.

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