الخميس، 1 مايو 2014

Scientific miracle in ( if sent down by the water, shaken )

Scientific miracle in ( if sent down by the water, shaken )
In the name of God the Merciful
And prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah
He says : ( and see the earth lifeless if sent down by the water, shaken and fondle and sprouted from each pair unstressed ) Hajj 5
He says: ( And of His signs that you see the earth humbled If sent down by the water, shaken and fondle one who revived the dead Mohi that, all things) separated 39
What is meant by the earth shake in the light of modern science ?
Intended - and God knows - what is known as the Movement Brown Brownian motion
And is the movement of solid particles in a gas or liquid medium
And therefore, when the rain falls , God willing, on dry land
Become dust particles in a liquid medium because of the rain water that falls on them
Vthtz particles of dirt and moving what is known as the Movement Brown
Brownian motion in physics - named in honor of the biologist Robert Brown may mean :
Random motion of particles in the micron fluid ( liquid or gas ) .
Sports business used to illustrate these random movements .
Brown noted that the movement of small particles in a liquid gels caused by the movement of liquid molecules that collide with them . Every atom or molecule in the liquid movement has changed severity change the temperature of the liquid.
Brown's theory is used to describe the colloid particles .
Date of Brownian motion
Attributed to the discovery of Brownian motion to the Scottish botanist Robert Brown , in 1827 , following his study of molecules nectar of flowers . He noticed when he put these molecules in the water to be observed through a microscope , it is observed in a continuous random movement .. wondered about the reason for this movement .. Is it due to the fact that the molecules organisms ? ( Movement of bacteria , for example) ..? ? .. To make sure this hypothesis by Brown repeating the same experiment , this time using metal particles micron , and a new , highly watched the movement of similarities with his earlier remarks .. These experiments have demonstrated that Brownian motion is the result of vital force .... but what the origin of this phenomenon? .. is origin physicist Albert Einstein as mentioned in one of his essays famous ? ..
Soil particles moving in the water when the rain falls , including the movement known as the Brown or Brownian motion
We read him point 7
7. Swelling and shrinkage: Some clay (soil colloids) such as smectites swell when wet and shrink when dry. After a prolonged dry spell, soils high in smectites (eg Vertisols) often are crises-crossed by wide, deep cracks, which at first allow rain to penetrate rapidly. Later, because of swelling, such soil is likely to close up and become much more impervious than one dominated by kaolinite, chlorite, or fine grained micas. Vermiculite is intermediate in its swelling and shrinking characteristics
And it is clear from the bulge silt in the water and dried and if contraction is what agrees verse , which describes the earth as more than if it came down the rain
And point 9
9. Brownian movement: When a suspension of colloidal particles is examined under a microscope the particles seem to oscillate. The oscillation is due to the collision of colloidal particles or molecules with those of the liquid in which they are suspended. Soil colloidal particles with those of water in which they are suspended are always in a constant state of motion. The smaller the particle, the more rapid is its movement.
As is clear from talking to silt particles moving if you put in the water to identify the name of the movement or the movement of Brown Brownian motion

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