الخميس، 1 مايو 2014

Prophecy of the Messenger of Allah for the invasion of India

Prophecy of the Messenger of Allah for the invasion of India
In the name of God the Merciful
And prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah
- Asaptan of my goals from the God of Fire: gang invade India, and the gang to be with Jesus son of Mary, peace be upon him
Narrator: Thawbaan sire Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him updated: Albanian - Source: correct string - Page or number: 1934
Summary judgment updated: True
And have invaded India and opened the Muslim armies led by Mahmoud bin Saboktakin in the fourth and fifth century Hijrah
WASHINGTON : The introduction of Islam to the country of India 's vast like a epics legendary , written by leading authors , historians , and Islam has entered the country of India huge and wide since the first century , but remained in the land of the Indus India Gate Bank, a long period of time , came up to the covenant that stormed the Islam that the country's vast complex of ideas and habits , and based on the caste system , dashed Islam not only with the physical strength and armies of war , but it collided with also with Western ideas and distractions enormous and delusions dark so the battle of Islam with disbelief different kinds of many in India has been for hundreds of years , and still list until the present day , which is visible clearly in the massacres of annual and seasonal performed by sunflower cow of the Hindus against the Muslims , who switched from the leaders and rulers of the country to a minority , despite the enormity of their numbers compared to other countries of the world .
Islam and India
India past before the current division was included alongside India, both of Pakistan , Afghanistan , Burma, and others to the borders of China , and was divided into India and Sind , so have known when geographers as ' Indian subcontinent ' for the magnitude , and Islam entered into Sind since the early days of the Islamic state , and specifically year 15 AH in the succession of ' Umar ibn al-Khattab ' through campaigns expedition led by ' judgment bin Aas ' , which reached the coast of India , and continued campaigns exploratory days of the faithful ' Othman Ibn Affan ' but God bless his refusal to send large armies of fear for Muslims after the country and breadth .
The matter remained so until the issuance of the Umayyad dynasty , and when he took ' Ziad bin father ' of Iraq and its aftermath , he decided to make the coast of India and state separate named Baltgr , and include space that follows [ Sajistan and Zabsattan and Tkharstan ' Afghanistan now ] was first taken up by a man named ' Rashid bin Amr 'It started the day strong jihadi campaigns to open Islamic India , the men emerged in those campaigns : the likes of [ Abbad ibn Ziyad and Saeed bin Mohammed bin Aslam and Aaron and all the most honorable testimony of God in the fields of Jihad .
Was a major shift in the march of the Islamic conquest of India when he took the young commander ' Muhammad bin Qasim Al-Thaqafi ' God's mercy leadership jihadi campaigns district of Sindh , and achieved victories enormous Elimination king Sindh ' Dahir Albarhami ' and open most of the country ' Sindh' and annexation of the Islamic state , and removed by the rites polytheism and disbelief , Buddhism and Albarhamip , in the year 89 AH, but ' Muhammad bin Qasim ' soon to be the victim of a conspiracy shabby carried out by the ' celebrity daughter Dahir ' as claimed Aftert him falsely that he raped her , and the prison ' Ibn al-Qasim ' and died in prison , and saddened by the people ' Sindh' deeply saddened , and his death stopped the movement of Islamic conquest of India.
And then rose up the Kings ' India ' and ' Sindh' and returned to their thrones , and when he took the Caliph ' Umar bin Abdul Aziz, ' he wrote to the kings ' Sindh' invite them to Islam and obedience to remain all the king of them place , with what the Muslims and therefore they have to , they replied , and entered the country ' Sindh' all in obedience to the Muslims , and gave her parents and their kings and Tzmoa the names of the Arabs , and this has become the country ' Sindh' country of Islam, has been troubled, is ' Sindh ' in the late days of the Umayyad , but returned to obedience and regularity in the days of ' Abu Ja'far Mansour ' in his days opened ' Kashmir ' and entered into a state of Islam , but remained the country ' India ' West is far from Islam even appeared several countries, local loyal to the Abbasid Caliphate , but administratively independent , politically and financially , and the greatest of these local states , which helped to spread Islam state Ghaznawids and its leader, the great conqueror ' Mahmoud bin Saboktakin ' .
State Ghaznawi
Its name is derived from the name of its capital , a city ' Ghazni ' existing in Afghanistan and the origin of this state is due to the leader ' Saboktakin ' eyebrow Turkish who work in the service of the Prince ' Abdul Malik bin Noah Samani ' and live in positions rose by eccentric even won the satisfaction of the princes ' Samani ' Fienoh Walia on ' Khorasan ' and ' Ghazni ' and ' Peshawar ' , the fact that the nucleus of the state ' Ghaznawi ' and the time to fight the princes and kings of 'India' and especially the kings of the north 'India' , and the eldest of King ' Jibal ' who led the kings and princes of North Indian , and collided with the Muslims , led by ' Saboktakin ' year 369 AH, and the victory was an ally of the Muslims , so Leagues ' Saboktakin ' Islamic presence , as well as the pillars of the nascent state 's north ' Afghans ' and ' Tajikistan ' .
And all that he has done ' Saboktakin ' was as ' Samanids ' and kings beyond the river , did not announce independence even at the time, then the performance of the greatest task for the benefit of the state ' Samani ' when he spent on the strength of ' Albobhien ' Shia Bnasabour ' year 383 AH, so the Prince ' Noah Ben Nasr Samani ' appoint ' Mahmoud bin Saboktakin ' Walia on' Nishapur 'n and thus became the state ' Ghaznawi ' is broader than the state ' Samani ' itself , and Matt ' Saboktakin ' year 388 AH, and was succeeded by his son, ' Mahmoud ' to enter the region a new era of conquests , did not know like that since the days of Caliph ' Farouk ' .
Fateh Grand
No sooner had it settles to the commander of the new ' Mahmoud bin Saboktakin ' until he began active jihadist wide proved to be of Oaazem conquerors in the history of Islam , even said by historians that Vetoha adjusted in the space Fattouh Caliph ' Umar ibn al-Khattab ' , has followed the policy of jihad in a very wise mainly based to strengthen the internal front and install militarily , politically and ideologically , and most importantly he worked on the following :
1 - Eliminate all sects and creeds stray contrary to the doctrine of the Sunnis and the Shiites , such as retirement and Algmehah and Qaramita and esoteric , and to disseminate the doctrine Ancestors among the country under his rule.
2 - spent on the state ' Albuehip ' Shia and that was one of the factors to disperse and decay in the Islamic nation as a whole, even tip up in thinking about a return to the era of ' Sasanian ' Persian , and take the titles of the Magi like ' Shahanshah ' and the elimination of the State rejectionist feet Sultan 'Mahmoud ' the greatest service to Islam.
3 - removed the Samanid state ' , which amounted to a severe case of abuse of weakness and decay severely affected the functioning of jihadi campaigns and conquests on the Indian front .
4 - Enter the country the hollow center of ' Afghanistan ' which areas of vast desert in Islam , and sent them teachers and preachers and readers , and spent on the state ' Qaramita ' small Palmltan , and was led by a man named ' Abul Fotouh, David, ' and removed from this country's beliefs stray difference misaligned such esoteric and Ismailia .
5 - announced undergo their own huge and subordination of the Abbasid caliphate in Baghdad and the speeches of the Abbasid caliphate ' Qadir ' prey to attempts and temptations of the Fatimid state to take control of their own , and the killing , calling the Fatimids ' Althardy ' who came to preach the call of the Fatimid 's north ' Mahmoud bin Saboktakin ' , and gave yielding variety to the judge ' Abu Mansur Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Azdi ' A' was riding the top of atheists , Unitarians Fleurkpha head ' .
Thus, under the Sultan 'Mahmoud bin Saboktakin ' arrange for a home from home and strengthens the base of faith and ideologically and militarily , and be together and to prepare for a series of jihadi campaigns to the vast open country 'India' .
India's major breakthroughs
Began Sultan Mahmud conquests large AQIM 'India' from a position of strength after that proved the internal front of his state , he was controlled on the plains of ' Punjab ' were the entrances of the mountains and the Khyber Pass, famous in his hand , as well as there was no Manaay or shows an internal Sultan ' Mahmoud ' hinders his campaigns jihadist , and the Iranian plateau and all under his control , so at the very beginning of force .
Began jihadi campaigns large campaign on the North 'India' year 392 AH, where defeated Sultan 'Mahmoud ' the king of India's large and stubborn ' Jibal ' and his armies tractor , and signed ' Jibal ' in captivity , Votalgah Sultan 'Mahmoud ' to reign knows God then is : a humiliation as a result of wars long against Muslims since the days of his father Sultan ' Saboktakin ' , and it was usually the Indians that if you took them in the hands of the Muslim prisoners are not held him after the presidency , when he saw ' Jibal ' that shaved his head and then set himself on fire with fire , burnt the fire of this world before the Hereafter .
Mystery Sultan 'Mahmoud ' then regions : ' The Ihndh ', and ' Almlthan ', and ' Bhattndh ' , then fought ' Onandabal ' , and defeated him , and removed his rule of the north 'India' totally spent on his power in the ' Punjab ' and immediately afterwards worked to spread the true Islam in all aspects of ' Sindh' to sink ' Punjab ' .
Confronted Sultan 'Mahmoud ' to try to princes north 'India' restore what was taken from the Muslims , and defeated them in battle a huge year 398 AH, and the opening of guarding castles 'India' Castle ' Bihimnker ' Mountains ' Himalayas ' , and subjected the city ' Nardben ' guarding and stronger cities region ' Almmeltan ' .
In the year 408 AH open Sultan 'Mahmoud ' region ' Kashmir ' , and around a Muslim country , and it was for this Open echo far resulted in the entry of many of the princes 'India' in Islam , and through the Sultan 'Mahmoud ' armies River ' King ' or ' delinquent ' and demolition about ten thousand Hindu temple , then attacked the largest centers ' Brahmins ' in ' Mugeawan ' and continued to offer a smashes any Indian force stand out to him , and turns the Hindu temples into mosques to worship where God alone , has taken the Sultan 'Mahmoud ' it upon himself to spread Islam in the country of India and the elimination of the pagan , and reached in his conquests to where it did not inform him in the banner of Islam and did not do Tuttle never Sura nor verse .
Open Sumanat
Continued Sultan 'Mahmoud bin Saboktakin ' in his campaigns and conquests of the country 'India' was the more open countries or demolition of an idol or shattered temple told the Indians that these idols and the country has the wrath of the god ' Sumanat ' even if he was satisfied by the family of a flood of bad , did not pay the Sultan ' Mahmoud ' command his attention until abounded El Kala , and became a certainty when the Indians , he asked for ' Sumanat ' this was said to him : It is the greatest idols and gods of the Indians , and the Indians believe that the lives if she died bodies met him on the doctrine of reincarnation Vieidha one who wills , and that the tide which he has but it is a cult sea him .
Situated ' Sumanat ' a hundred leagues from the mouth of the River ' delinquent ' province ' Alkogerat ' in western India , and this idol stop ten thousand villages, and has a thousand priest to worship , and three hundred men shave their heads and beards visitors , and three hundred men and five hundred women singing and dancing on the door idol , and the idol ' Sumanat ' itself is built on the fifty-six valid TIN from Mussafah shot, and ' Sumanat ' stone of five cubits in length , and has no body or form it is three circles and two arms .
When briefed the Sultan Islam Sultan 'Mahmoud ' the fact of the matter determination on the invasion and Tahtiman and open his temple : , thinking that the 'India' if they lost and they saw the lie claim falsehood entered Islam , Valsltan ' Mahmoud ' not wanting to struggle only serve to spread Islam Fastkhar God Almighty , came out with his armies , and was joined by volunteers and the mujahideen , in 10 Sha'ban 416 AH, and broke the deserts and wilderness deadly no water nor Mira , and bumped into many of the armies of India on his way to ' Sumanat ' , knowing that I know everyone Bugeth and purpose , to see Indians if ' Sumanat ' will pay for itself or other thing .
Reached Sultan 'Mahmoud ' armies City ' Dbollwarh ' on after two phases of ' Sumanat ' , has proven its people to fight the Muslims , believing that their God ' Sumanat ' stop them and pay for them , he seized upon the Muslims , and Ahtmoha completely , and killed the army as a whole, and walked until they reached ' Sumanat ' on Thursday 15 November with the year 416 AH, they saw a fortified fortress on the coast of the river , and on the walls of his family watching on Muslims and confident that Mabteke cut Dabarham and destroy them .
On Friday 16 November with and at the time of the meridian as is usually the Muslim conquerors creep Sultan 'Mahmoud ' and his heroes of Islam , and fought Indians with the utmost fury , so that the Indians stunned from the trauma of combat after they thought that their God falsehood will prevent them and destroy their enemy , and pitching Muslims stairs on city walls and boarded it and declared the word of Tawheed and zooming descended torrential sweeping into the city , and then the fighting intensified so provides a group of Indians to Mabteke ' Sumanat ' and Loa faces and asked him victory , and espoused and wept , then went out to fight , killing all and so the team after another enters and then kills and glorified from misled them until they became an asset of the beasts Alsoaúm , fought Indians on the door of the temple idol ' Sumanat ' is in great fighting , even claimed them fifty thousand people , and what they felt they annihilated the college installed the rest of them boats in the river and tried to escape, Vadrkhm Muslims what survived a , and was once difficult to unbelievers , and ordered the Sultan 'Mahmoud ' demolition of the idol ' Sumanat ' and took the stones and make it to the threshold of the Great Mosque of Ghazni Thank God Almighty .

The greatest battle scenes
For this scene we send urgently each appellants and skeptics in the tolerance and fairness of the Islamic religion , and the fact that the jihad for Allah and that jihad did not want Muslims never lower and adornments , it was purely for the sake of God , and to spread the religion of Islam and the removal of the forces of infidelity and out of by the Islamic Call .
During fierce fighting around the fetish ' Sumanat ' saw some wise Indians over the insistence of Muslims to demolish ' Sumanat ' and Hrasthm in the fighting , even if all were killed wiped , so they asked the meeting with the Sultan 'Mahmoud ' , and offered them money is enormous, and a treasure trove of great in order to leave ' Sumanat ' and leave with him , thinking that Muslims what they came only for the money and treasures gathered the Sultan' Mahmoud ' leaders, and consulted about it, they pointed him to accept the money for the effort, huge and huge amounts of money spent on the campaign jihadist , shreds Sultan' Mahmoud ' the length of the night thinking and istikhaarah God Almighty, and what became decided to demolish the idol ' Sunmat ' , and not to accept the money and said his famous ( and I thought about it , who said , and I saw if Naudet doomsday Where ' Mahmoud ' who broke the idol ? liked to be told : who left the idol for what bestowed worldly ? !)
Thus, we see this model great leaders Pentecostals who have not employed by the world for the Hereafter , nor money in the world and its treasures for spreading the message of Islam and the service call to him , and who beat us the finest examples in the statement of purity and clarity of the Islamic faith , and demonstrated the fact Jihad for the sake of God and objectives noble .
Full of history / Islamic History / History of the Caliphs
Atlas of the history of Islam / Start and End / Brilliant Stars
Oieid same date / Nubala / Fattouh countries
Mortality objects / Encyclopedia of Islamic history

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