الخميس، 1 مايو 2014

Miracles in the metaphysical (shown including margarine )

Miracles in the metaphysical (shown including margarine )

In the name of God the Merciful
And prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah

- The best of the horns , and then those who follow them , then those who follow them - Imran said : I do not know : MALE Tntin or three after his century - and then comes the people , nor warn Levon , and betray not be trusted , and the witness does not cite , and shows them margarine
Narrator: Imran ibn al-Husayn updated : Bukhari - Source: Sahih - Page or number : 6695
The updated summary judgment : [ true ]

And modern meaning as it is clear that the best of generations and centuries have lived with the Prophet, peace be upon him , and those who follow them and then those who follow them
After this show generations and centuries in debt and a lack of appearances so that they do not Ufone Bndhuarham and betray the Secretariat and also shows them margarine increased their understanding of the food becomes their bodies , many of them are overweight

Currently Obesity or Obesity has become a problem in the continuously growing and aggravate
To see what you're saying about Aloykebedea problem of obesity in the world ....

For thousands of years obesity was rarely seen.[3] It was not until the 20th century that it became common, so much so that in 1997 the World Health Organization (WHO) formally recognized obesity as a global epidemic.[4] As of 2005 the WHO estimates that at least 400 million adults (9.8%) are obese, with higher rates among women than men.[5]
As of 2008, The World Health Organization claimed that 1.5 billion adults, 20 and older, were overweight and of these over 200 million men and nearly 300 million women were obese.

Thus we see that obesity already appeared in humans in the twentieth century AD also told the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace of more than 1,400 years

And perhaps some people think that the hadith is talking about the emergence of Muslims, especially in margarine and not in the whole world
And to see what you're saying about obesity research in Islamic countries we will review the link by a study on obesity in all regions of the world and is the third-American Harvard University and is the best university in the United States

Data are scarce from many countries in North Africa and the Middle East, but even so, there’s compelling evidence that obesity rates are on the rise. (1,15) Researchers have taken a closer look at obesity trends in the six Arabian Gulf states (Oman, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait), since these countries have seen tremendous increases in wealth—and weight—since the discovery of oil reserves in the 1960s. (16)

Today, obesity rates in some of the Arab Gulf countries rival or exceed those of the U.S.: In Saudi Arabia, for example, recent surveys have found that 28 percent of men and 44 percent of women are obese, and 66 percent of men and 71 percent of women are overweight or obese. In Kuwait, 36 percent of men and 48 percent of women are obese, while 74 percent of men and 77 percent of women are overweight or obese. (16) Though obesity rates are higher among women in the region than men, they appear to be rising more quickly in men than in women.

The question is how the science of the Prophet, peace be upon him that people are after him will appear including margarine?
The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him

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