الخميس، 22 مايو 2014

بالصور طفل بعيون قط يحيّر العلماء في الصين سبحان الخالق


الأطباء , الخالق , الصين , بالصور , بعيون , يحيّر , سبحان

بالصور طفل بعيون قط يحيّر العلماء في الصين سبحان الخالق

تفاجأ الأطباء في داهوا بجنوب
الصين بحالة الفتى نونغ يوهوي الملقب "كات بوي" أو "الطفل القط"، كونه يتمتع بالقدرة على الرؤية في الظلام الحالك وتتوهج عينيه في الليل تماماً مثل القطط.

وبدأت مخاوف والد نونغ تتزايد عندما لاحظ أن عيني ولده تتوهج خلال الليل وفي الظلام تماماً مثل عيون القطط، فقرر عرضه على طبيب مختص.فقاً لما نقلته صحيفة "ذا سن" البريطانية، أثارت حالة الطفل استغراب اختصاصيين في مستشفى داهوا، جنوب
الصين وشخصوها بأنها اضطرابات جينية نادرة جعلت العين أكثر حساسية للضوء.

وكشفت الفحوصات الطبية أن الطفل يملك القدرة على القراءة بكل سهولة في الظلام الحالك كما يمكنه رؤية كل ما حوله في الليل كما لو كان في وضح النهار.

وذكر الوالد أنه بعد شهرين من ولادة نونغ أخبره الأطباء بأن عيني ولده ستتحولان من الأزرق إلى اللون البني أو الأسود بعد شهر أو أكثر ولكن ذلك لم يحدث أبدا.

وأضاف أنه مطمئن اليوم على ولده لأن الأطباء يقولون إن هذه الحالة لن يكون لها أي تأثير سلبي على صحة عيونه.


الاثنين، 19 مايو 2014

Miracles in the words of God and the mountains as pegs?

Miracles in the words of God and the mountains as pegs?
Wedge : It is that piece of wood or iron that prove their tents and tentsHe says : ) Did not make the earth an expanse and the mountains as pegs * ( ( news :6- 7) . Verse refers to the mountains pegs of the Earth, and Wedge be part of it visible on the surface of the ground, and most of the gummy , installation and function of the other . While scientists see the geography and geology of the mountain know that : the mass of the earth stand out above their surroundings , which is the highest of the hillHe says d . Zaghloul El-Naggar : All current definitions of the mountains is limited to the external shape of the terrain , without the slightest reference to their extensions below the surface , which finally proved to be greater than the apparent rise several times ( 2) . Then he says, did not discover this fact only in the latter half of the nineteenth century when Alsergorg Erie theory that the earth's crust does not represent an appropriate basis for the mountains above it , and I suppose that the earth's crust and from the mountains do not represent only part afloat on a sea of ​​dense rocks flexible , and therefore there must be a mountain roots extended into the area of high density to ensure stability and stability (3) . The theory has become a reality with the Erie provides internal knowledge of the composition of land by seismic measurements , it became known on the face of the pieces that mountain roots planted in the depthsAnd can be up to the equivalent of 15 times the heights above the ground , and that the mountain a major role in stopping the sudden horizontal movement of the sheet layer rocky ground . This has begun to understand this role in the framework of plate tectonics since the late sixties . And knows Dr. Zaghloul mountains in the light of recent information says that the mountains are only the tops of the blocks of the great rock floating in a layer more dense (4) as floating icebergs in the water and has described the Koran mountains form and function , he says : ) and the mountains as pegs ( ( news : 7) .He says ) and threw in the earth lest it should shake with you ( ( Luqman : 10 ) also said ) and made in the earth lest it should shake with them and made them Fjaja ways they might guided ( ( Prophets : 31) and the mountains stakes for the surface of the earth , As disappears most of the wedge in the ground for installation , as well as most of the mountain disappears into the ground to install the earth's crust . As ships Bmraséa prove that sink in liquid water , so to prove the earth's crust Bmraséa mountain with their roots in a layer of sticky liquid float half the earth's crust (5) . The alert commentators mercy of God to these meanings Vorduha in their interpretation of the verse: ) and the mountains as pegs ( , here are examples of this:1 - Jawzi said : ) and the mountains as pegs ( of the land , lest shake (6) .2 - and said Zamakhshari (7) ) and the mountains as pegs ( : any Ersenaha mountains as Lierse House Balawtad .3 - The Cordovan :) and the mountains as pegs (ie not live Taatkvo its people (8) .4 - said Abu Hayyan :) and the mountains as pegs (ie we set the earth mountains as evidenced House Balawtad (9) .5 - and said Shawkaani (10) :) and the mountains as pegs ( pegs collect any wedge made ​​the mountains as pegs for land to live and do not move as Lierse House Balawtad (11) . The first mountain created volcanic : When God created the continents began to form a hard shell thin float on the material magma rock , causing shake sputtering , God created the volcanic mountains that were out from under that crust , are intended rocks outside the Earth's surface , then return attracted to the ground and accumulateOn each other made ​​up the mountains , pushing Bothagalha accumulated on the viscous layer Vngrs the root of the substance of the mountain , which is the reason for the stability of the earth's crust and Atzanha . In the verse: ) and threw in the ground Roissy ( ( Luqman : 10) a reference to the way they were formed by volcanic mountains threw its article from the ground to the top and then return to settle on the surface of the earth . Wigley talk of the Prophet peace be upon him this is how , Narrated Anas bin Malik (12) from the Prophet peace be upon him , he said ( what God created the Earth made ​​shake , Creating the mountains and returned with them .. talk ) ( 13) . Hopes to say The Prophet peace be upon him to set out how to create the mountains , " he returned with them ," ie, that it was created from the ground to get out and return them.Aspects of Miracles :It looked to the mountains on the surface of the earth does not see its shape looks like a wedge or anchor , but he sees blocks notable rise above the Earth's surface , as defined by geographers and geologists . No one can know the shape sphenoid , or which is similar to the anchor , but if he knew her part in the relief of volcanic magma in the mantle , and it was impossible for a human to imagine nothing of it until the appearance of the theory of Sergorg Erie in 1855 . It is told Muhammad peace be upon him of this fact absent in the soles of the earth's crust and below the depths of the far- reaching tens of kilometers , before people know her three centuries ? It told Muhammad peace be upon him function mountains , and they are doing Pegs and anchors , a fact that was not known to man only after 1960 ? Will saw the Prophet peace be upon him which created the earth shake ? And the formation of volcanic mountains by dumping out of the ground and returned them to settle the land? Not enough evidence that this science revelation revealed by God to His Messenger, the illiterate Prophet illiteracy in the nation , in the era in which it was overcome superstition and myth ? It is scientific evidence that the source of this witness, the Koran is the creator of the earth and the mountains , and the world of the secrets of the heavens and the earth, saying: ) Say , who knows the secret revealed in the heavens and the earth, he was Oft ( ( Criterion : 6) .

Scientific miracle in the (hearts thrown out)

Scientific miracle in the (hearts thrown out)

In the name of God the Merciful
And prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah

He says:
{Have they never journeyed in the land shall be thrown in their hearts or ears to hear them, they are not blind, but blind eyes and hearts in the breasts} [Al-Hajj: 46]

Is it conceivable heart already? Or is just the heart muscle pumps blood in the body?

Certificates of Western scientists scientific miracle in the Qur'an

Certificates of Western scientists scientific miracle in the Qur'an
Professor .
Keith Moore certificates Western scientists scientific miracle Quran
Professor Keith Moore of the greatest scholars of anatomy and embryology in the world, in 1984 he received the most prominent award presented in the field of anatomy in Canada , LG . CNN . Me. Grant Award from the Canadian Association of Specialists anatomy .
The face of many international associations , such as the Canadian Association and American specialists anatomy and the Council of the Union of Biological Sciences .

Professor .
Persaud certificates Western scientists scientific miracle Quran

Professor Persaud professor of anatomy , and a professor of child health and pediatrics , and professor of obstetrics , gynecology , was head of the Department of Anatomy for 16 years . He is famous in his field . It is the author of 22 textbook and published more than 181 scientific journal . In 1991 he received the award , which has provided the most prominent in the field of anatomy in Canada , LG . CNN . Me.
Grant Award from the Canadian Association of Specialists anatomy

Professor .
Julaa Simpson certificates Western scientists scientific miracle Quran
Professor Simpson Julaa head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology , Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology , and a professor of molecular genetics and the human in the Baylor College of Medicine , Houston , Texas , USA

Professor .
Marshall Johnson certificates Western scientists scientific miracle Quran
Professor Marshall Johnson Professor of Anatomy and Developmental Biology at Thomas Jefferson University , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , United States

Professor .
Gerald C certificates Western scientists scientific miracle Quran
Professor Gerald CNN .
Goerenger , director and professor of embryos in the medical department of the life of the cell , Faculty of Medicine, Georgetown University , Washington , DC , United States Alomrakiha

Professor .
Yoshihedy Kozai certificates Western scientists scientific miracle Quran
Professor Yoshihedy Kozai Amiritus professor at the University of Tokyo , Hongo , Tokyo , Japan , and was the director of the National Astronomical Observatory , Mitaka , Tokyo , Japan

Professor .
Tejataat Tejasen certificates Western scientists scientific miracle Quran
Professor Tejataat Tejasen Head of the Department of Anatomy at the University of Chiang Mai , Thailand has testified that this speech can not be released from humans and then muttered

Professor .
William W. certificates Western scientists scientific miracle Quran
Professor William W. Hay , a world famous sea , is a professor of geological sciences at the University of Colorado , Boulder , Colorado , United States of America after a discussion with Professor Hay about the Quran stated recently discovered facts on seas

Professor .
Alfred kroner certificates Western scientists scientific miracle Quran
Albroovissourolfred Kroner one of the world 's largest Geologists celebrities, a professor of Geology and Head of the Department of Geology at the Institute of Jusyensis , Johannes Gutenberg University , Mainz , Germany . He said: where it came from Muhammad this . . . I think it is almost impossible that he could have known about these things like the common origin of the universe , because scientists have discovered that only within the past few years , the ways the complex technical and very advanced .

Careers for Koranic 25

Careers for Koranic 25

Allah says in Sura prophets :We made from water every living thing do you not believe in { 21/30 }
Was a man from ancient times to realize that the water is very necessary for life , but he did not know he is no life without water , meaning that the water represents most of the weight of organisms , and that the building unit of the organism (cell ) filled with water , which constitutes a large proportion of its weight (about 70 % ) .
One could not have imagined in the era of prophecy that the water poses such a large percentage of organismsThat looks mostly regularly as a solid . Therefore, NASA is always looking for space and foremost for the presence of water on other planets , which have sent their compoundsSpace exploration , Flo and found evidence of the presence of water , cherished hope in the presence of living organisms , even if the microorganisms .
See this article titled : " NASA's missions to the moon to search for water."NASA Moon Missions To Search For Waterhttp://www.npr.org/templates/story/s...ryId=105531303This is another article on the search for water , and then life on Mars through a vehicle called Phoenix (in the sense of the legendary phoenix bird ) :
The Phoenix Lander's robotic arm will dig down over 3 feet into the red planet's subsurface to collect ice and soil samples while a camera mounted on the arm monitors the action.
It will land in an area that has the possibility of 80 percent water-ice by volume within one foot of the surface.These new studies hope to provide evidence of lifeSource:http://www.nasa.gov/missions/solarsystem/phoenix_water.htmlTranslation:Robotic arm of the vehicle Phoenix will dig more than three feet in the surface of the Red Planet ( Mars ) to collect samples of water and soil using the camera to adjust his movement . Will land somewhere on the vehicle is believed that 80 % of it water Mottagld thickness of one foot .These recent studies give us hope that the evidence for the existence of life
These articles and other stresses the same meaning of the verse :No Life Without WaterWithout water there can be no life. It is the most common substance on earth. It covers 70 per cent of earth s surface and it fills oceans, rivers, lakes. It is in the ground and in the air we breathe. Every living thing - plants, animals, people - must have water to live. Every living thing consists mostly of water.http://www.healthlibrary.com/book31_chapter323.htm
Translation:Without water can not exist life . They rule prevailing on the ground . It covers 70 % of the earth's surface and peppering the oceans, rivers and lakes . They exist in the ground and in the air we breathe . Every living organism , plant animal , human beings need water to live .Every living organism is mostly composed of water.
Life's Little EssentialEverybody knows liquid water is necessary for life, at least as we know it. But just why exactlyBy Peter Tyson Posted 01.04.04NOVAWhen I looked beneath the surface of it, the question that opens this article elicited a similar effect: I was surprised by how much I didn't know about why water is thought necessary for life. Once I learned the particulars, it became clear why planetary scientists on the lookout for life on Mars and elsewhere in the solar system are on the lookout for waterhttp://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/evolution/liquid-of-life.htmlTranslation: Peter Tyson wrote :Everyone knows that liquid water is essential for life as we know it , at least. But we do not know why? When it looked surprised how much I did not know why the water is essential for life . When I knew the details, I knew why when planetary scientists looking for life on Mars or anywhere else in the solar system , but they are looking for water.
Comment :The truth is that there are thousands of articles talking about the same subject , which is beyond dispute , but the purpose of this article is to draw attention to the fact that the Koran , it is true that the importance of water were known in antiquity , but the unknown is this: that all living things contain water , and that it is not a life without water , so that space scientists in the modern era are looking for the presence of water first, then look for organisms Secondly , even if they did not find water , Despairing of the existence of life .And biochemical reactions that are needed for the organism 's life can not only be done in the aqueous medium .This is attested to the words of God Almighty :
We made from water every living thing do you not believe in
And note also Dear reader that verse after inform us that God made from water every living thing , ordered us faith in Him (God) , What the scientists when they discover the importance of water for life , should they have to believe in the Almighty because it revealed to them about the fact did not realize the extent of
However, their importance in the modern eraAs if the Koran says to these infidels , as long as you revealed this scientific truth What you have to believe that the Koran the word of God right .You talk to decline ( Peter Tyson ) mentioned in a previous article where he said that he knew that the water but important details in what provoked surprise .
O Allah, and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and peace and recognition of a lot.

Careers for Koranic 24

Careers for Koranic 24

I always find the Koran mentions hearing before the sense of vision when they meet in the verses as follows :God brought you out from the wombs of your mothers knowing nothing, and gave you hearing and sight and hearts that you may give thanks { 16/78 }
He who created you hearing and sight and hearts are a little thankful { 23/78 }
Then him and breathed of his spirit and gave you hearing and sight and hearts are a little thankful { 32/9 }
Say who brought you forth and gave you hearing and sight and hearts are a little thankful { 67/23 }
Do not stop what you have no knowledge of that hearing and sight and heart of each of those responsible { 17/36 }
Say from Arozkkm of heaven and earth security has hearing and sight and out living from the dead and come out of the Living Dead and manages it they would say God , tell it not be cautious { 10/31 }

The meditator finds it in the verses speak of the process of creating a hearing before the vision always , is created by the vision of God hearing ?
Are you hearing or vision never work inHuman fetus ? Let us review Embryology :When the hearing begins at work?Hearing begins to work in the human fetus in the sixteenth month , where the fetus can hear the mother's voice , which is still inside the womb as stated in the site AssociationLife before birth (Life Before Birth) , a scientific organization that studies the life of embryos before and after birth :did you know baby can hear you long before you give birth? That's right: Your baby can hear your voice as early as the 16th week of pregnancy, according to Life Before Birth, the website for the Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health, a scientific organization that offers support and information on prenatal life and the birth processListen up: Tiny bones in your fetus's ears are in place this week, making it likely that the baby can hear your voice when you're speaking (or singing in the shower) at 16 weeks pregnant
A University of Turin study has concluded that enough light penetrates a woman's abdomen during her final two months of pregnancy that it's possible her fetus can see.
We already know they can smell, taste, and hear
The study says they know in advance that a grandparent can hearing, taste and smell , it also means that the hearing before the sight .
Read the words of experts in embryology :Vision is the last sense your baby develops, which helps explain why her eyesight is so fuzzy as a newborn (at birth, your baby can only see about 8 to 12 inches in front of her)Your unborn baby's eyelids remain closed until you're about 28 weeks pregnant, which allows the retinas to fully develop. After that time, her eyes open and even begin to blink. Here's a fun fact: As soon as their eyes open in the womb, twin babies can find each other - and will touch each other's faces or hold hands

Comment :Quranic verses indicate a nice signal that the hearing in the run-up to the sense of sight out of growing up , but in the beginning of the work .Glory of the Quran was revealed to the Prophet peace be upon him should contact him understand the people of his time , including then addressed by the people of our time , including all understand in this miracleThankfully much

Seven scientific facts truthfully witnessing the Prophet peace be upon him

Seven scientific facts truthfully witnessing the Prophet peace be upon him
Will live through this research with some of the scientific facts mentioned in conversations most beloved peace be upon him , and how modern science has proved the veracity of the facts certainly .....Praise be to Allah and peace and blessings on the Quran was created and to his family and him , and after: The most beautiful moments experienced by the believer , when he sees a miracle manifested in the words of Mr. humans peace be upon him , and since we live in an age of science and scientific discoveries , there is a need to search in conversations Mustafa (PBUH) to recognize the scientific references , including testimony to the sincerity of this illiterate Prophet , and such research can contribute to correcting the West look for the Prophet of mercy and peace be upon him .

The first factSays the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings to his companions: ( will this total night and day ), which means that Islam will spread all over the place he used night and day, ie, in all the earth , and indeed statistics say West that Islam exists everywhere in the world today! ! Statistics tell us that 2025 will be Islam is the first religion in terms of numbers in the world , and this is not to exaggerate , but numbers are no doubt real . These figures came from a non-Muslim scientists conducted these statistics .Scientific facts attest honestly Prophet be upon himCensus experts confirms that the Islamic religion is the fastest growing , and that all countries in the world where Muslims by one way or another , and that Muslims are scattered in every corner of the earth , and our question : Is not this what happened with him the greatest prophet peace be upon him ? !

The second factScientific Miracles in the words of the greatest prophet peace be upon him : ( made ​​me land a mosque and pure ) [Reported by Muslim] , scientists have discovered in new research and the presence of antibiotics in the dust of the earth , and these antibiotics can cleanse and kill such stubborn types of bacteria , including proves that soil disinfectant . In a new study , scientists say that some of the types of soil can remove more resistant germs . Therefore they think today manufactures antibiotic killer antibacterial extract of stubborn dirt. After long experiments in the laboratory and found that the soil can remove the whole colony of bacteria within 24 hours , the same colony and placed without clay Vtcathert 45 times !
Scientists found recently that the dust of the earth containing antibiotics , but not the property cleared of dust , did not last for life because of Altafnat , viruses and germs that spread up to the rights and eliminate it , but the mercy of God required to put in the dirt property cleansing to guarantee us the continuation of life , not worth the Merciful God, to thank him for this blessing ?

The third factHoly Prophet spoke very carefully about the scientific fact that scientists could see only a few years ago , says peace be upon him : ( The Hour will not come back until the Arab land, meadows and rivers ) [Reported by Muslim] . It has been proven scientifically that the Arabian Peninsula was once filled meadows and rivers are still traces the course of the rivers, even to this day . This is indicated by the images coming from the satellites , which clearly show the many rivers buried under the sand in the Arabian Peninsula . And authorized senior Western scientists in the U.S. space agency NASA said today ' imagery radar of the desert showed that this area was once covered by lakes and rivers , and the environment in which similar to those that we see in Europe , and they will return one day as they were ' .Scientific facts attest honestly Prophet be upon himScholars assert the U.S. space agency NASA on the Empty Quarter desert and the Arabian Peninsula in general was once covered by rivers and dense forests and meadows , and the animals graze in abundance where , and affirm the return of this land as it was in the future , and this is indicated by the hadith .

The fourth factIn an interview with the traffic on the Bridge , is this talk of the conversations Scientific Miracles in the Sunnah , the Hadith involves a scientific miracle in the words of the Holy Prophet of God and prayers : ( Did not see how the lightning is due in the blink of an eye ?) [Narrated by Muslim . It was found full congruence between the Prophet's speech , and what scientists recently revealed complex processes and accurate occur in a flash of lightning , where scientists found that any flash of lightning does not occur , but the revelation of a beam of lightning from the cloud toward the ground and his return ! In this conversation to indicate that the Great Prophet peace be upon him had talked about the phases of lightning with amazing accuracy , but also select replied , and perhaps if we know we are amazed that the time required for a lightning strike is the same time required for the blink of an eye! This is told by the greatest prophet .
Scientists found that lightning consists of several phases of the process of the most important traffic and developed a reference , and that the time a flash of lightning is 25 milliseconds is the same time of the twinkling of an eye , is not that what the prophet told us about fourteen centuries ago ? !

Indeed, the fifthScientists have recently discovered that the area of ​​the corner (top and front of the brain ) control to take the right decisions and therefore whenever this area was more effective and more active and safer decisions were more accurate and wisdom , so we find the prayer of the Holy Prophet : ( Nasita hand ) [Narrated by Ahmad ] . In this delivery of the Prophet to God , that everything would to God , and that God controls how he likes and appreciates him what he wants .. The other thing that was revealed recently is that the area of ​​the corner plays an important role in the operations senior person such as perception and orientation , problem solving and creativity , so peace of this region in his supplication to God : ( Nasita your hand ) . In this scientific nice reference to the importance of this region .

Scientific facts attest honestly Prophet be upon himAfter long studies of the activity of the brain scientists found that the most important area is the forelock , any region prefrontal , and they are responsible for the leadership and creativity , and so was the Prophet peace be upon him underscores the importance of this region through his supplication and surrender to God Almighty , and this is a miracle attest to the truthfulness , as Kiev aware of the importance of this region at the time was not any one on earth knew it ? Is not God is the one who taught him and spoke to him saying : ( and knowledge were not learning what he Fadlallah you great) [women: 113 ] .

Indeed sixthSays the Holy Prophet peace be upon him : ( It is time to show signs of sudden death ) [Narrated by Tabarani ] . In this modern scientific miracle in the medical facts are indisputable , and witness this miracle of the Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him when he is the messenger of God does not speak of passion . Through accurate statistics of the United Nations, which confirms that the phenomenon of sudden death , but did not show a newly continues to increase in spite of all precautions .Scientific facts attest honestly Prophet be upon himCardiologist confirms that the phenomenon of sudden death spread so much in the past years , and that in spite of the evolution of the science of medicine , however,
Die abruptly are still increasing , and our question : Is not this exactly what it referred to the Hadith ?

The truth seventhConfirms most scientists that the pyramid is the best way to end the natural human being , otherwise any attempt to prolong life above certain limits will have many effects the least of cancer , says Professor Lee Silver ' from Princeton University : ' Any attempt to achieve immortality run counter to nature ' scientists ... have left the outcome , namely, that in spite of spending billions to treat the pyramid and prolong life , but the experiments were , without any benefit . This is indicated by the greatest prophet peace be upon him , saying: ( Treat O slaves of Allah , God did not put any disease but put him only cure one disease : the pyramid) [Narrated by Ahmad ] .
The Glory of God at all times