الاثنين، 19 مايو 2014

Careers for Koranic 25

Careers for Koranic 25

Allah says in Sura prophets :We made from water every living thing do you not believe in { 21/30 }
Was a man from ancient times to realize that the water is very necessary for life , but he did not know he is no life without water , meaning that the water represents most of the weight of organisms , and that the building unit of the organism (cell ) filled with water , which constitutes a large proportion of its weight (about 70 % ) .
One could not have imagined in the era of prophecy that the water poses such a large percentage of organismsThat looks mostly regularly as a solid . Therefore, NASA is always looking for space and foremost for the presence of water on other planets , which have sent their compoundsSpace exploration , Flo and found evidence of the presence of water , cherished hope in the presence of living organisms , even if the microorganisms .
See this article titled : " NASA's missions to the moon to search for water."NASA Moon Missions To Search For Waterhttp://www.npr.org/templates/story/s...ryId=105531303This is another article on the search for water , and then life on Mars through a vehicle called Phoenix (in the sense of the legendary phoenix bird ) :
The Phoenix Lander's robotic arm will dig down over 3 feet into the red planet's subsurface to collect ice and soil samples while a camera mounted on the arm monitors the action.
It will land in an area that has the possibility of 80 percent water-ice by volume within one foot of the surface.These new studies hope to provide evidence of lifeSource:http://www.nasa.gov/missions/solarsystem/phoenix_water.htmlTranslation:Robotic arm of the vehicle Phoenix will dig more than three feet in the surface of the Red Planet ( Mars ) to collect samples of water and soil using the camera to adjust his movement . Will land somewhere on the vehicle is believed that 80 % of it water Mottagld thickness of one foot .These recent studies give us hope that the evidence for the existence of life
These articles and other stresses the same meaning of the verse :No Life Without WaterWithout water there can be no life. It is the most common substance on earth. It covers 70 per cent of earth s surface and it fills oceans, rivers, lakes. It is in the ground and in the air we breathe. Every living thing - plants, animals, people - must have water to live. Every living thing consists mostly of water.http://www.healthlibrary.com/book31_chapter323.htm
Translation:Without water can not exist life . They rule prevailing on the ground . It covers 70 % of the earth's surface and peppering the oceans, rivers and lakes . They exist in the ground and in the air we breathe . Every living organism , plant animal , human beings need water to live .Every living organism is mostly composed of water.
Life's Little EssentialEverybody knows liquid water is necessary for life, at least as we know it. But just why exactlyBy Peter Tyson Posted 01.04.04NOVAWhen I looked beneath the surface of it, the question that opens this article elicited a similar effect: I was surprised by how much I didn't know about why water is thought necessary for life. Once I learned the particulars, it became clear why planetary scientists on the lookout for life on Mars and elsewhere in the solar system are on the lookout for waterhttp://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/evolution/liquid-of-life.htmlTranslation: Peter Tyson wrote :Everyone knows that liquid water is essential for life as we know it , at least. But we do not know why? When it looked surprised how much I did not know why the water is essential for life . When I knew the details, I knew why when planetary scientists looking for life on Mars or anywhere else in the solar system , but they are looking for water.
Comment :The truth is that there are thousands of articles talking about the same subject , which is beyond dispute , but the purpose of this article is to draw attention to the fact that the Koran , it is true that the importance of water were known in antiquity , but the unknown is this: that all living things contain water , and that it is not a life without water , so that space scientists in the modern era are looking for the presence of water first, then look for organisms Secondly , even if they did not find water , Despairing of the existence of life .And biochemical reactions that are needed for the organism 's life can not only be done in the aqueous medium .This is attested to the words of God Almighty :
We made from water every living thing do you not believe in
And note also Dear reader that verse after inform us that God made from water every living thing , ordered us faith in Him (God) , What the scientists when they discover the importance of water for life , should they have to believe in the Almighty because it revealed to them about the fact did not realize the extent of
However, their importance in the modern eraAs if the Koran says to these infidels , as long as you revealed this scientific truth What you have to believe that the Koran the word of God right .You talk to decline ( Peter Tyson ) mentioned in a previous article where he said that he knew that the water but important details in what provoked surprise .
O Allah, and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and peace and recognition of a lot.

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