السبت، 10 مايو 2014

View pictures largest solar blast Glorified Lord what Abdek

More , Abdek , explosion , pictures , Solarium, witness , Glory
View pictures largest solar blast Glorified Lord what Abdek

Revealed the space agency , NASA , on Thursday, for the most powerful types of images of the solar blast at all , which took place between May 12 to 14 / May of this year .
The scientists said the blasts from the category of " X " , which is the strongest in the class ladder to measure solar flares .
The agency explained that the Sun was launched , during the explosion , billions of solar particles into space quickly exceeded a million miles per hour , while the explosion is believed to be the peak of solar activity , which ends its current session in the month of May / May of this after 11 years of continuity.
Particles released by the sun in these explosions affect satellites and cause transformers to blow up electrical networks in the explosion , but the latter did not tend to the ground.
The result of these storms to form the phenomenon of aurora borealis , and can lead to disturbances in the power supply , telecommunications and satellite work .
And generate the solar wind accompanied by radiation resulting from these explosions magnetic storms when they overlap with the Earth's magnetic field .

The first record of a solar explosion class " X " in 2011 , within the current session of the sun in the month of February , followed by another explosion in the strongest month of August / August of the same year .

Digging in the strangest world shrugged her body Glorified Lord


Strangest, figs, world, shrug, Glory

Digging in the strangest world shrugged her body Glorified Lord

Sinkhole, Guatemala

Stream flows when water (rainwater return or sewage) cause leveling the ground and eat the layers of the earth's crust and crumble .... too much space

Mine diavik, Canada (Diavk)
This mine is amazing there is a distance of 300 kilometers from the north-eastern region yellowknife in Canada.
Mine is so huge and the area is too far so that it even has its own airport with a runway large enough to the Boeing 737. Ocean water and the area looks like frozen water ...

Valley bingham (Benjham)

This exploration industry and its impact, which is the largest in the land. The start of exploration in 1863 and still continues to this day, the increase in size the hole is fixed. In its current state, the aperture 3/4 mile deep and 2.5 miles Show

monticello dam (Montljko)

Great depth ... d was used for the water barrier and the lack of drowned cities ... the dam is too big

Mine diavik, Canada (Diavk)

This mine is amazing there is a distance of 300 kilometers from the north-eastern region yellowknife in Canada.

Mine is so huge and the area is too far so that it even has its own airport with a runway large enough to the Boeing 737. Ocean water and the area looks like frozen water ...

Great blue hole, Blaz Plaze

For 60 miles from the island of Belize this amazing geographical phenomenon known as "blue hole." There are numerous blue holes around the world but nothing spectacular like this.

Camel bones Palestine correct Biblical story of the Prophet Abraham

The Torah , the prophet, commends , Palestine, bones , Ibrahim
Camel bones Palestine correct Biblical story of the Prophet Abraham
Discovered Israeli archaeologists after their lesson to the bones of a camel was discovered in 2009, the Valley wagon , confirming that it was not known in ancient Palestine time he lived Abraham , and that what is stated in the Torah for the use of beauty in his time, contrary to scientific fact to suggest that Palestine did not know the " ship the desert , "but after 9 centuries of time ," Abu prophets " on less modified.
This paradox of scientific reached by the team led by Dr. Sapir - are , Dr. Erez Ben- Joseph , two of the Institute of Archaeology at the University of Tel Aviv, referring to " correct " a dramatic narrative of the Torah to the Prophet Abraham .
And the receipt of the texts addressed to the presence of the camel domesticated time , "Abu prophets " in the Bible , confirms that they are add-ons late been Aqahamha in an earlier text , or that the story of Abraham in the Bible were written after more than nine centuries of his time true , as it is estimated that he lived before 1800 year of birth .
In order for Dr. Erez Ben Youssef and his partner to confirm the age of the bones of the oldest phrases found the bottom of the archaeological site of the copper smelting in Wadi Araba , a crack border between Jordan and Israel extending from the north of the Dead Sea to the Gulf of Aqaba at the Red Sea , has used the technique isotope dating of " carbon - 14" known , unveiling the two repeated examinations of the bones down to the copper smelter back to the last third of the tenth century BC , any year since 2975 in recognition , note that Abraham lived before the horns
" Then the servant took ten camels of his master "
With the exception of those bones , no trace of any camel was domesticated before Palestine, but after dating distant in time 900 years almost all the times in which he lived , " father of the Prophets " and his descendants near his time , knowing that he found fossils of bone very little to the beauty of the wilderness and wild non- domesticated , and lived there in the Neolithic period , known as the Neolithic , which spread in the Levant from 12,000 to 10,200 BC , and then no longer shows the effect of the sentences have been domesticated as an animal , but the bottom of the copper smelter in Wadi Araba .
In the Torah mention intense beauty time of the Prophet Abraham in Palestine , and what we read is found in the most important where , a " Genesis ," which begins , " In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth " and ends in " sanitation session " the death of the Prophet Joseph and embalmed " and put it in a coffin in Egypt, " in 16 of the " chapter 12 " travel , read about Pharaoh and Abraham : " and he made to conclude and became better because of his flocks and herds and donkeys and the servants and slaves and Manhattan and beauty ".
Then at 10, 11 and 61 of the " chapter 24" travel itself , read about Abdul sent by the Prophet Abraham to his clan an Iraq that time to choose him , including wife for his son Isaac , Ford text : " And the servant took ten camels of his master , and went and all the bounties of his master in his hand , and he arose and went to Mesopotamia to the city of Nahor ( .. ) , and Onach beauty outside the city at the time of the evening water well Almstkiet time out ( .. ) , so she and their daughters Rebecca and Rkpn beauty and followed the man took the slave and companionship before. "

Photos awesome trip to the most dangerous road in the world with ropes

Photos awesome trip to the most dangerous road in the world with ropes
The most dangerous , stage , awesome , the mountains , the world , through
Photos awesome trip to the most dangerous road in the world with ropes
Of course, the ways in which we walk on every day may occur by accident or the like but that's the way of a very special character . Could you imagine for a moment that Tlafrck mention ropes. Is actually a cableway , but the nature of the risk too.
A Chinese village is located amid the distant mountains in Hubei Province in China, located in the valley at a depth of 450 meters and this is a dangerous road and the only way to access it. The most dangerous road in the world
This is called the village Yushan is located just 150 meters from the nearest city is surrounded by a lot of mountain slopes and valley depth immemorial - and I think from my point of view that this adorable very calm - there are no roads in Normal transportation can reach it is these ropes dangerous .
These ropes tied by an iron cage moves through the diesel engine has been developed this private road linking the village to the world in 1997 .
In order to continue this work with ropes in Mrkha well must be lubricated and grease well once a week so that the lubricating oil is placed along the ropes and this Almanmna is considered of the most dangerous professions in China or believe they are in the world.
The function of lubrication ropes now Zhang tells the profession he inherited from his father , who gave up the job as a result of the deterioration of his health , and he took responsibility for his younger brother who decided to abandon them , prompting Zhang older brother to take over the task.
Aeka and hope for Zhang in him of the task that the state is now building access roads to the village , it expects to become one of the most important village tourist attractions that tourists will prefer to enjoy the calm and landscapes
Do you like to ride with Zhang trip lubrication ropes

الجمعة، 9 مايو 2014

Refused doctors amputated his hand and he made guillotine and cut himself ..!

Guillotine , doctors , himself , and he made , and parts
Refused doctors amputated his hand and he made guillotine and cut himself ..!
Guillotine , doctors , himself , and he made , and parts
Refused doctors amputated his hand and he made guillotine and cut himself ..!
Occur British in their methods of media two days ago for a construction worker whom , age 44 and his name is Mark Goddard , brought the wheel of history back by decades , he made guillotine in secret in the garden of the house, and by the amputation of his hand himself to rest of the complex problem did not find anyone relieve him of them. Goddard , is a non- Marc Goddard famous director in " Viva " for matching system transitions , remained for years suffered from neuralgia in his left hand from an accident he suffered in 1998 while driving his motorcycle , see medical specialists on the assortment of , and all of them have failed to end the suffering of pain across Surgery , rejecting one after the other amputated at his request as long as is intact. Goddard did not find a solution , but that the work is the same surgeon , so he made ​​the guillotine in the garden behind his house without knowing it by one , and when he finished he put his hand under the decoded and amputated and rest , forced doctors to take care of the rest later ..

Pictures .. Lake fatal burn any living organism approaching them

Of them , with pictures .. , Lake , burning , approaching, I met , object
Pictures .. Lake fatal burn any living organism approaching them
Of them , with pictures .. , Lake , burning , approaching, I met , object
Pictures .. Lake fatal burn any living organism approaching them
Lake killer
The lakes and all the water pools of stagnant natural environment distinct from the river water from several aspects , the first being the lack of sediment and vegetation , and then there are salt lakes and once others tortured , and some are located on the high altitudes and the other at low levels , or on the beach , or in the environment continental
But do you imagine that one day there and Lake fatal toxic and free of fish or approaching them any living organism ? , Already exist Lake these specifications , exist to " Berkeley " in Montana .
Swallow along the lake one mile , and the depth of 270 meters , containing water on the massive amounts of compounds of copper, iron and manganese , make them burn all of approaching them, and melt his clothes and skin and damage the throat and burning eyes , and do not live by the fish , so it prevents tourists from approaching them .
The reason for this is , that the lake was an old copper mine and the mine closed in 1982 and then flooded underground .

View pictures strangers beliefs Women India

Beliefs , India , express , images , users , and an evil
View pictures strangers beliefs Women India
Beliefs , India , express , images , users , and an evil
View pictures strangers beliefs Women India

India's women
The women in the tribe, " Garo " India is developing gold rings in their ears because they believe that demons when she died in Sttsabak get these golden rings and leave safely pass her soul to heaven .
In the tribe " Naga " Indian women were also married in a small bells attached to her clothes so that the parties to knock these bells and moved if you live if you do not move , so her husband knows when to stop work shall punishing , as mentioned in the Encyclopedia strange world Jee
The tribe women " Ibatany " Indian famous since ancient times that all the women of the village Ikmn accessories to wear a strange large-sized plugs clogged Onovhen seems oddly shaped to distort their beauty , but in 1970 , stopped this tradition altogether .
It is worth mentioning that India is a country located in South Asia , a country densely populated , and is the seventh-largest country by geographical area , and is the second most populous , is bounded by the Indian Ocean to the south, and the Arabian Sea to the west, and the Bay of Bengal to the east, where the India vicinity of Sri Lanka , the Maldives and Indonesia to the Indian Ocean .