Strangest, figs, world, shrug, Glory
Digging in the strangest world shrugged her body Glorified Lord

Sinkhole, Guatemala
Stream flows when water (rainwater return or sewage) cause leveling the ground and eat the layers of the earth's crust and crumble .... too much space

Mine diavik, Canada (Diavk)
This mine is amazing there is a distance of 300 kilometers from the north-eastern region yellowknife in Canada.
Mine is so huge and the area is too far so that it even has its own airport with a runway large enough to the Boeing 737. Ocean water and the area looks like frozen water ...

Valley bingham (Benjham)
This exploration industry and its impact, which is the largest in the land. The start of exploration in 1863 and still continues to this day, the increase in size the hole is fixed. In its current state, the aperture 3/4 mile deep and 2.5 miles Show

monticello dam (Montljko)
Great depth ... d was used for the water barrier and the lack of drowned cities ... the dam is too big

Mine diavik, Canada (Diavk)
This mine is amazing there is a distance of 300 kilometers from the north-eastern region yellowknife in Canada.
Mine is so huge and the area is too far so that it even has its own airport with a runway large enough to the Boeing 737. Ocean water and the area looks like frozen water ...

Great blue hole, Blaz Plaze
For 60 miles from the island of Belize this amazing geographical phenomenon known as "blue hole." There are numerous blue holes around the world but nothing spectacular like this.
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