السبت، 3 مايو 2014

Quranic miracle, the Earth's rotation and movement

Quranic miracle, the Earth's rotation and movement

He says
" In the view of the mountains calculate a rigid pass over the clouds making God who has mastered everything he is Aware of what you do " ant 88
The fact that we draw from this verse is that the viewer into the mountains are thought to be static not moving any static never a fact that no doubt can never not one of the people to feel the movement of the earth
But the mountains are not static but is moving to the verse, " They pass over the clouds ," and this is the truth , which was unable to humans discovered only after the passage of nearly a thousand years of her male Quran

Quranic miracle mountains pegs in the ground

Quranic miracle mountains pegs in the ground
He says
{Did not make the earth an expanse and the mountains as pegs *} [news: 6-7]
Modern science discovered that one-third of all the mountain it is apparent only us and two thirds of it planted in the ground across the multiple layers and in the course of the Earth's rotation does not budge disparate layers in the earth and because of the presence of these pickets

Section position of the stars and why particular sites ?

Section position of the stars and why particular sites ?
He says
I swear by the position of the stars ( ) It is a great oath, if you know [ accident: 7576 ]
Section Astral great but Ayham accurate and demonstrates the miracle and my mother uttered by humans ( our beloved Mustafa peace be upon him ) do not know how to read or write
It has divided anyone Astral but occur to him that divides sites
However, if in this section great secret no one knows except God right

This section Quranic Great refers to the position of the stars above the Koran referring to one of the facts of the universe dazzling , and the effect that that due to the vast dimensions that separates the stars of heaven for our land , the man on this earth does not see the stars at all, but felt sites experienced by the stars and then I left , and above that these sites are all relative , but not absolute , because the light like any form of matter and energy can not move on the page in the sky , but curved lines , and the human eye can not see , except in straight lines and therefore the beholder to the star above the ground sees the straightness last point leaned wudu it , sees sites illusory star is the location that emerged from its light , due to the curvature of the light at the page the sky , the stars appear to us in positions of virtual is their real , not only that, but the modern astronomical studies have proven that the ancient stars, has faded or disappeared since times long past , and the light that emerged from them in a number of locations through which still shines in the darkness of the sky every night of the earth to the present day , Hence, this section was the Quranic position of the stars , not the bone itself Astral stars that revealed as much about science as a universal ovens wonderful God creates us where all forms of matter and energy that underpin them this universe is perceived , then the number of Ahsah what astronomers of the stars in the sky of the perceived world to this day is over seventy billion trillion stars.

الجمعة، 2 مايو 2014

Miracles of the Qur'an in the earth's gravitational

Miracles of the Qur'an in the earth's gravitational
He says
The security of the land to make a decision [ant : 61 ]

Who made ​​these things on the ground stabilizes them and are attracted to it ?
What is the weight of the truth?
Air gravitated to the land and the sea attracted to the earth and everything on earth gravitated to it
Man if he flew in space , bringing to the point of zero gravity for the disappearance of the weight
And another verse refers to this gravity
He says
If the land stretched out ( ) and threw it in. abandoned [ SPLIT : 3 4 ] .
If gravity were disrupted by the earth thrown on the ground and what it gave up and scatter them and what came out of them and no longer
And has quoted some of the information from the book by Dr. Mohammed Nabulsi salary ( ayatollahs in outlook )

Miracles of the Qur'an in the darkness of space

Miracles of the Qur'an in the darkness of space
He says
(Had they opened the door of heaven and they kept it for the slalom (14) but said Intoxicated sight, but we are a people who Mshoron) [stone: 15.14]
Did not know the people of the earth to climb to the moon and knew what the conquest of space, but the newly
And when he ascended astronaut into space, said: We have become blind

Whenever he stopped rights in the sky and arrived to find space Dilama Damsa and become blind,
Is this not proof that this is strictly word of the Creator of human beings?

Miracles of the Qur'an in the Big Bang theory and vastness of the universe

 Miracles of the Qur'an in the Big Bang theory and vastness of the universe

He says

"Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were sewn together and made ​​from water every living thing do you not believe in" the prophets: 30

"Heaven and we have built hands and I Musaon" AL Almariaat verse 47
In the Qur'an a great miracle of science newly discovered where it was discovered that the universe is found after a great explosion and he continues to expand and sprawl
Glory to the Great Creator, and this information is found in the Koran 1400 years ago
See Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Miracles of the Qur'an in the sun and the moon light a lamp

Miracles of the Qur'an in the sun and the moon light a lamp

He says
{ And made ​​the moon a light therein and made the sun a lamp } Noah 16

He says
( Who is making Zia sun and moon light ) [ Surah Yunus : Verse 5 ]
He says

(And made a dazzling lamp ) news 13
We find that God Almighty semi sun once Balsraj and other Balsraj fiery and OS is the lamp that illuminates either with oil or electricity. The rays of the moon has been re- named the Creator and the light if we remind us in this regard, our knowledge of physics in school , we find that the light sources are usually divided into two types: direct sources like the sun and the stars and the lamp and candle , etc., and indirect sources like the moon and planets. The latter are objects which derives its light from another source such as the sun and then reflected on us. The sun and the lamp they share the one property which they considered as a direct source of light , therefore the semi- creator Palmbbah fiery sun looked like the moon was not in any of the verses lamp
We find the fact that the sun burning Kalsiraj
While the moon is a reflection of the sunlight it is called Noor

{ Like the Astoukd fire that lit up when he went around what God Bnorm and left them in darkness do not see the cow } 17
In the previous verse , God tells about the unbelievers and hits them in the ideals of their lives , which they think they're on the light and insight If they are in the dark , but what we would like to photophobia in the previous verse was due to fire
Which lit around her was Nora went by God and we understand from this verse that the fire light-emitting fall to around Vtnar objects around them and become Nora any , that the light necessary Zia emitted from the body ignites itself , and so the case in the sun , described by the Almighty as Siraj Wahhaj and Zia for it The flare -alone Moon described it as a light and this is the fact that the newly discovered