السبت، 3 مايو 2014

Section position of the stars and why particular sites ?

Section position of the stars and why particular sites ?
He says
I swear by the position of the stars ( ) It is a great oath, if you know [ accident: 7576 ]
Section Astral great but Ayham accurate and demonstrates the miracle and my mother uttered by humans ( our beloved Mustafa peace be upon him ) do not know how to read or write
It has divided anyone Astral but occur to him that divides sites
However, if in this section great secret no one knows except God right

This section Quranic Great refers to the position of the stars above the Koran referring to one of the facts of the universe dazzling , and the effect that that due to the vast dimensions that separates the stars of heaven for our land , the man on this earth does not see the stars at all, but felt sites experienced by the stars and then I left , and above that these sites are all relative , but not absolute , because the light like any form of matter and energy can not move on the page in the sky , but curved lines , and the human eye can not see , except in straight lines and therefore the beholder to the star above the ground sees the straightness last point leaned wudu it , sees sites illusory star is the location that emerged from its light , due to the curvature of the light at the page the sky , the stars appear to us in positions of virtual is their real , not only that, but the modern astronomical studies have proven that the ancient stars, has faded or disappeared since times long past , and the light that emerged from them in a number of locations through which still shines in the darkness of the sky every night of the earth to the present day , Hence, this section was the Quranic position of the stars , not the bone itself Astral stars that revealed as much about science as a universal ovens wonderful God creates us where all forms of matter and energy that underpin them this universe is perceived , then the number of Ahsah what astronomers of the stars in the sky of the perceived world to this day is over seventy billion trillion stars.

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