The interpretation of the meaning of it Agshekm drowsiness safe
Interpretation of the meaning Agshekm drowsiness safe
Tafsir Ibn Kathir
( As Agshekm drowsiness safe from it and come down upon you water from the sky to purify it and go you wrath of Satan and connects to your hearts and prove its foot (11) as suggesting Lord to the angels I am with you has proven who believe I will in the hearts of those who disbelieve horror smite above their necks and smite them all ( 12) , so they Hakoa Allah and His Messenger and Yshaqq Allah and His Messenger , Allah is severe in punishment (13) Such is Vdhuqoh and torment for the disbelievers fire (14) )
( As Agshekm drowsiness safe from it and come down upon you water from the sky to purify it and go you wrath of Satan and connects to your hearts and prove its foot (11) as suggesting Lord to the angels I am with you has proven who believe I will in the hearts of those who disbelieve horror smite above their necks and smite them all ( 12) , so they Hakoa Allah and His Messenger and Yshaqq Allah and His Messenger , Allah is severe in punishment (13) Such is Vdhuqoh and torment for the disbelievers fire (14) )
Reminds them of God as bestowed by them from delivering drowsiness them safer than their fear that got them from the large number of the enemy and few in number , so did the Almighty their day one , as he says: ( then revealed to you after the chagrin safe drowsier faint range of you and range may Ohmthm themselves ) [ Al-Imran: 154 ] .
Said Abu Talha , who afflicted you a day off , and I fell out of my hand the sword again , and take him fall , and fall , and take him away , and I looked at them they are under Ahadjv Amidon .
Said Hafiz Abu Ali : Tell us Zuhair , son told Mahdi , Division , Abu Ishaq, for Haritha bin racket , Ali - may Allah be pleased with him - said : what was in us Fares day of Badr non -Miqdad , and I remember when and what in us only asleep but Messenger God - peace be upon him - prayed under a tree and cry until it became .
Sofyan said the Revolutionary , from Asim Abu demure , Abdullah bin Mas'ud - may Allah be pleased with him - he said, fighting sleepiness in the safe of God , and in the prayers of the devil .
Qatada said : sleepiness in the head , and sleep in the heart. .
I said: The drowsiness has been struck on a Sunday , and is so very famous , and the day of Badr in this holy verse but they are in the context of the story of Badr , which is indicative of the occurrence of that too and if that was the temper [ p 23 ] for the believers when the intensity of the bass to be heart safe reassuring victory of God. This is by the grace of God and the mercy to them and blessing them, and as he says: ( the ease with hardship that the ease with hardship ) [ Explanation: 5.6 ] ; That [ was ] correct in that the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - what was the day of Badr in El-Arish with friend - may Allah be pleased with him - They call , I took the Messenger of Allah years of sleep , then woke up Mtbasma said: preach , O Abu Bakr , this Jibril on inbuilt soaking , then came out of the door of El Arish , which recite the verse: ( defeated combination and attach Dabar ) [ Moon : 45 ] .
And he said: ( and come down upon you water from the sky ) , said Ali bin Abi Talha , from Ibn Abbas said : Download the Prophet - peace be upon him - I mean : when marched to Badr - and Muslims between them and the water Ramlet Dash and wounded Muslims very weak , and gave the devil in their hearts rage , including whispers : you claim that you are the guardians of God Almighty and His Messenger among you , have Gbakm polytheists on the water , and you pray Mjnpin ! Rain down upon them rain heavily , drank Muslims and purify yourselves , and go their God wrath of Satan , and toughen up the sand when afflicted with the rain and walked people it and pack animals , and they went to the people and prolong God's prophet - peace be upon him - and the faithful a thousand of the angels , was Jibril in five hundred profiles , and Mikael in five hundred profiles .
As well as Awfi said Ibn Abbas : The idolaters of Quraish to come out to champion the caravan and fight them , landed on the water the day of Badr , Vgbawa faithful to it. Hitting the faithful thirst , Fjalo arrive Mjnpin modernizers , even Taazemoa in their chests , Allah revealed water from the sky until Sal Valley , drank believers , and filled Alosagah , and irrigated passengers and bathed janaabah , Making God the pure , proven foot. And that it was between them and the people Ramlah , Then Allah sent rain on them, Vdharbha even intensified , and proved it by foot.
And so Roy Qatada, and Dahhaak , and Saddi .
It was narrated from Saeed bin Musayyib , PDF, and syphilis , and Abdul Rahman bin Zaid bin Aslam : Gade he suffered the day of Badr .
It is known that the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - what marched to Badr , came down to the lowest water there is no : the first water and grandfather , came to him Hubab bin Mundhir said: O Messenger of Allah , this house you downloaded home Onzlleke God is not for us to Njawzh , or hOME downloaded to the war and intrigue ? He said, but the home downloaded for war and intrigue . He said: O Messenger of Allah, this is not a house , but the mystery of us even go down to the lowest water follows the folk and Ngor is behind it from the heart, [ p 24 ] and draw the Alehiad Vicu us water and they have no water . Fassar Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - and he did well.
In the Maghazi Umayyad that Hubab when he said it came down king of heaven and Jibril sitting with the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - said that King : O Muhammad , The Lord reads you the peace you say : The opinion indicated by Hubab bin Mundhir turned the Messenger of Allah [ peace be upon him ] to Gabriel , peace be upon him , said : Do you know this ? Looked at him and said: I know what all the angels , and that he is not a demon king .
The best aspect of this is narrated by Imam Muhammad ibn Ishaq ibn Yasar owner " Magazi " - God's mercy - : Tell me more than Ben Roman , Urwah ibn al-Zubayr said : God sent the sky - and the valley was crushed to death - hitting the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - and his companions Felt them what the earth did not stop them from the path , and hit the Quraysh did not appreciate what that Erthaloua him.
Mujahid said : Allah revealed them rain before drowsiness , Votafo rain , dust , and Talpdt the earth , and Tabt them and proved it with their feet.
And Ibn Jarir said : Tell us Aaron Ben- Yitzhak , told us Musab bin brave , narrated by Israel , narrated Abu Ishaq , for Haritha , Ali - may Allah be pleased with him - said : struck at night Gade of rain - I mean, the night that was in Sbihtha the Battle of Badr - Vantalegna under the trees, and underneath Ahadjv Nstzl of rain. It has become the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - Lord calls : Oh God, destroy the gang do not worship in the ground , and when that dawn , cried prayer worshipers of God , came the people from under the trees and Ahadjv , prayed us the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - and instigated the fighting.
And he said: ( to purify it ), namely: the Event smaller or larger , which cleanse the apparent ( and go you wrath of Satan ), namely: from Sousse or willingly bad , which cleanse the subconscious , as he says in the right of the people of Paradise : ( dependents clothes Sondos Khadr and brocade and sweet silver bangles ) , this apparent Accessories ( Sagahm Lord and drink pure ) [ rights: 21 ] ie: what was cleansed of Gul or envy or Tbagd , a subcontractor Accessories and purity .
( It connects to your hearts ): the patient and taking gladiator enemies , which is the courage of subcontractors , ( and prove by foot ), which is the apparent courage , and God knows best .
[ P 25 ] And he said: ( It suggests Lord to the angels, I am with you has proven those who believe ) and this is a blessing in disguise shown by God to them , to thank Him on them, which is that - exalted and sanctified and blessed and glorified - revealed to the angels who brought them to victory prophet and his religion and his party faithful , suggests with them between him and them to prove that those who believe .
His son Isaac : and Azarohm . Someone else said : They fought with them . It was: Soadehm multiplied . It was: it was that King was a man comes from the companions of the Prophet - peace be upon him - say : I heard these people - I mean, the idolaters - they say : God while they carried us to Nnkven , which leads to each other so the Muslims , strengthening its own . Narrated by Ibn Jarir , and this version Bhrovh .
And he said: ( I will in the hearts of those who disbelieve horror ) ie immobilized you Muslims and Qowa themselves on their enemies for warrants to you this, I will fear and humiliation and kids against my command , and lied Rasouli ( smite above their necks and smite them all ), namely: Beat important Vvlqoha , and Ahtsoa Vqtauha necks , and cut off those who are parties , namely their hands and feet .
Commentators have disagreed about the meaning of : ( over the necks ) and was told : Strike means warheads . Sabri said .
It was said : What this means : ( over the necks ), namely: the necks , the necks . Dahhaak said , and the gift Awfi .
The witness to this sense that God guided the believers to in this verse: ( When you meet those who disbelieve smite the necks even if Otkhantamohm Vhdoa bond ) [ Muhammad: 4 ] .
He and Kia , for Masoudi , Qasim said: The Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - : I did not send for fresher pains of God , I was sent to strike the necks and tight bond .
He chose Ibn Jarir it may indicate the hit necks and split important .
I said: In the Maghazi " Umayyad that the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - making the passes among the dead, the day of Badr and says:
Nfelq important . . . .
Abu Bakr says :
Men of the noblest of us and they were lumber and Ozlma
[ P 26 ] shall begin the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - the first house, and Isttam Abu Bakr - may Allah be pleased with him - singing etc.; because he does not improve singing poetry, as he says: ( what we learned hair and should ) YS : 69 ] .
[ P 26 ] shall begin the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - the first house, and Isttam Abu Bakr - may Allah be pleased with him - singing etc.; because he does not improve singing poetry, as he says: ( what we learned hair and should ) YS : 69 ] .
Said spring ibn Anas : The people know the day of Badr dead angels who were killed are multiplying over the necks , and the Banan such feature fire has burned him .
And he said: ( and hit them all ) Ibn Jarir said : What this means : The Adharboh O believers enemy of each party and parties detailed their hands and feet . And " Banan " : collection fingertip , as the poet said :
Whitney not to cut him and fingertip Aqath in the house awake Hadhira
Ali bin Abi Talha , from Ibn Abbas: ( and hit them all ) means stigmatized : the parties . And also said Dahhaak and son Greg .
Al-Saddi said : Banan : Parties , and said : every joint .
Sabri said , and the gift Awfi and Dahhaak - in another novel - : every detail.
Awzaa'i said in the verse: ( and hit them all ) said : smite him the face and eyes , and throw it Shihab from the fire, if I took all this campus you .
Said Awfi , Ibn Abbas - recalled the story of Badr said that - : Abu Jahl said : Do not kill them killed but take them taking , which is made up of Tarafohm stab them in your religion , and their desire for Lat and Uzza . God revealed to the angels : ( I am with you has proven who believe I will in the hearts of those who disbelieve horror smite above their necks and smite them all ) , killing Abu Jahl curse of God , in the sixty-nine men and families obstacle ibn Abi killing Sabra , Vevey that seventy - I mean dead .
Therefore he [God ] says: ( So they Hakoa Allah and His Messenger ) ie: Khalvohma they went into the incision , and left -Shara and faith in him and his followers in the slit - is taken also from the incision stick, making them two divisions - ( It Yshaqq Allah and His Messenger , Allah is severe in punishment ) ie: the student is mostly for those who goes against the Naoah , do not miss anything , nor does anything for his anger , and the Almighty , no other god , and other employer .
( Such is Vdhuqoh and torment of the Fire for the unbelievers ) this letter to any Kfar : Taste the doom and Alnekal in the world , and also know that the torment of the fire for the unbelievers in the Hereafter .
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