Miracles of the Qur'an in the orbits of the planets
He says
(No sun should be aware of the moon and the night previous day, and all floating in an orbit (YS 40)
On the face of this verse indicates that the orbit of the sun and the moon's orbit and orbit of the sun is not related to orbit the moon and the sun will not collide with the moon , but ( and all floating in an orbit ) Is not this proof that the word of God ? ?
Confirms this sense says
(God holds the heavens and the earth that Tuzla ) ( creator: 41)
And saying ( to Tuzla ), namely: Tnhrva and disappearing in the noontime sun is a deviation from the sky
I understand that every verse of the planet in the space in which it spins round and some even when they read a meaning :
{ And } the sky with Alrdja [ Tariq : 11 ] .
Opinion that this verse, in which the most accurate description of what the skies of a planet or a star in the sky and only him going over it and come back to the place of departure after a while.
This is Halley's comet , which Ergbh people every day that goes since God created the heavens and the Earth in an orbit does not deviate one iota him up point -to-point is approaching the Earth three hundred million kilometers and has a tail longer than ninety three million kilometers and people are afraid to stay in walking straight Firttm land
The verse says :
(God holds the heavens and the earth that Tuzla ) ( creator: 41)
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