السبت، 3 مايو 2014

Can anyone imagine that there are waves in the ocean floor ? ! ! ! ! ! !

Can anyone imagine that there are waves in the ocean floor ? ! ! ! ! ! !
Yes there are waves in the ocean floor ! ! !

Vrbena , the Almighty says in the Holy Book ( or Kzlmat in a vast deep sea fraught with waves topped by waves topped by cloud shadows on each other ) [Nur : 40 ] . In this verse the great scientific fact not revealed with certainty for scientists , but at the end of 2007 and through the discovery of waves deep into the ocean for the first time differ from surface waves on the surface of the water , which means that there are waves deep and the waves superficial , which is expressed in the verse saying: ( perm topped by waves ) .
The newspaper Tele 13/12/2007 Graf in an article entitled :
Deep ocean waves discovered by scientists
"Scientists discover waves in the deep ocean "
According to the news that the discovery of these waves in the deep ocean has caused surprise to scientists because they did not expect to see waves similar to those that we know in the depths of the ocean, to read :

British scientists have discovered waves that flow deep in the Pacific Ocean

British scientists have discovered a tide flowing in the depths of the Pacific !

They were known to occur on or near the ocean's surface but the scientists were surprised to find them in the deep ocean
I've learned that such waves can be seen on or near the ocean's surface , but scientists were surprised because they found these waves in the deep ocean .
Prof Karen Heywood, an oceanographer at the University of East Anglia (UEA) and co-author of the research, said: "We were both surprised and delighted." We expected to find something at about 50m because satellite imagery indicated it was there but we were really excited when we got a result at 1,500 metres. It opens up the possibility that there may be more waves even deeper down. "
I came to San Barfssorh Karen Heywood from the University of UEA and author participation in this research:
We were surprised and happy ! We were expecting the presence of something at a depth of 50 meters, as indicated by the images coming from the satellites , but the fact that our monuments to find these waves at a depth of 1500 meters , and this opens the door to the possibilities that there are waves at greater depths .
Dr Adrian Matthews, a meteorologist in UEA's School of Environmental Sciences and lead author of the new research, said: "Everyone thought that there would be nothing to see below about 200m.
Dr Adrian Matthews says a University Scholars mentioned and who leads this research: each and every one of us thought that he can not see any waves below the depth of 200 meters .

Scientists confirm that this discovery is happening for the first time at the end of 2007 and that it would be a leap in the study of the oceans and the environment in general , and scientists are trying to mobilize their efforts to get to know more of these exotic waves .

I've used in this discovery satellites and submarines and laboratories floating , have shown pictures and having waves deep but the surprise that they did not expect to be deep to this point , is not this what happened with him the Koran , saying the Almighty : ( a vast deep sea fraught with waves topped by waves ) , a vast deep sea : any deep sea . Image source : NASA NASA
Consider now tell the truth , the Almighty : ( or Kzlmat in a vast deep sea fraught with waves topped by waves topped by cloud shadows on each other ) [Nur : 40 ] . I have spoken verse accurately waves in the deep sea , and this is what scientists finally revealed .
Here we would like to say to those atheists : How do these waves was mentioned in the book was revealed fourteen centuries ago ? Were this fact known at that time? The Western scholars admit that the first time they see these waves was in the year 2007, it is the greatest prophet who told of this fact certainties ? What calls this the Holy Prophet peace be upon him to talk about such complex scientific fact ? And how he learned that from living in the deep sea Allgi will be fraught with deep rough and be in total darkness ? ? ?
We also say to those who believed that the scientific miracles is download the verses what is intolerable : what can be called the Koran talk about these deep waves , or do we call it miraculous coincidence? Almighty God speaks of the wave , scientists are discovering these waves Waves and talking about God ( Sea Jie ) any deep and scientists are talking about the deep ocean Deep ocean where if this download of the meaning of the verse ?
Newspaper article on the site entitled Dail Graf
Deep ocean waves discovered by scientists

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