الجمعة، 9 مايو 2014

Brazilian village where people melt under the sun Hallelujah Pictures

Harder, God, the sun, people, pictures, Brazilian, flame, Glory, where, nearby
Brazilian village where people melt under the sun Hallelujah Pictures
Harder, God, the sun, people, pictures, Brazilian, flame, Glory, where, nearby
Brazilian village where people melt under the sun Hallelujah Pictures
« Village where her family dissolves » .. thus described the newspaper « Daily Mail » British , if the residents of the village Brazilian suffering from a rare skin disease , a special way of life that requires working long hours in the sun .
The newspaper offered a set of images for the people of the village , pointing out that there is a larger number of people who suffer from the disease « dry skin dye » which develop into skin cancer .
The newspaper reported that people with this disease are very sensitive to the sun's ultraviolet rays , and exposed a lot of skin cancer , since the disease deprives its victims of the ability to repair damage caused by the sun to their skin , Viakl skin and cause spasm in the muscles and developmental delay
The newspaper said that the village « Eraras » suffer from this disease , which has become a heavy burden , especially as the system lives of the residents of the village as farmers requires work abroad warm, affects one out of every 40 villagers , far more than the proportion of one in a million registered in the United States .
The newspaper pointed out that 20 people of every 800 infected with the disease genetically , and experts attribute the high rate of infections with the disease in « Eraras » to the presence of a few families founded the village and many of the individuals infected with the disease , go from generation to generation because of inbreeding .

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